I have a crystal report where I needed to calculate the difference between when a help desk call was opened and then when it was responded to. I have been many days working on this, because I had to incorporate the Business Days and Business Hour formula's. Having done all that I have come up with a way to setup a formula that can figure out if the call was within 2 hours no matter what time it was opened. Now I'm having a problem with getting my formula to sum. When I check the field type it is a number, but when I go to the summary drop down list, the field does not show. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Formula Field is @On Time = IF ({@Within Response Time}) = 1 THEN 1,
the other field is @Not On Time = IF ({@Within Response Time}) = 0 THEN 1
and the #Within Response Time = IF {@Business Days} <= 0 and {@Business Hours} < 2.00 THEN 1 ELSE
IF {@Business Days} = 1 AND {@Business Hours} IN -7.00 TO -10.00 THEN 1 ELSE 0
Formula Field is @On Time = IF ({@Within Response Time}) = 1 THEN 1,
the other field is @Not On Time = IF ({@Within Response Time}) = 0 THEN 1
and the #Within Response Time = IF {@Business Days} <= 0 and {@Business Hours} < 2.00 THEN 1 ELSE
IF {@Business Days} = 1 AND {@Business Hours} IN -7.00 TO -10.00 THEN 1 ELSE 0