Everything in this formula works except the last two statments in the fromula. It is the part that involves the vst_v.dx_cd table. I am trying to enter two different ranges using the same table. When I enter the first range and run it then the first range works, but when I add and run the second range the result returns zero cases as if it couldn't understand either range. Any suggestions?
{vst_v.age} in 18 to 127 and
{vst_v.end_full_date} in DateTime (2003, 12, 01, 00, 00, 00) to DateTime (2003, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) and
{vst_v.vst_type_cd} = "I" and
{vst_v.acct_sts} <> "I" and
not ({vst_v.hosp_svc} like "M*") and
not ({vst_v.adm_src} in ["TA", "TB", "TE", "TH", "TS"]) and
{vst_v.dx_cd} in "480.0" to "483.8" and
{vst_v.dx_cd} in "485" to "487.8
{vst_v.age} in 18 to 127 and
{vst_v.end_full_date} in DateTime (2003, 12, 01, 00, 00, 00) to DateTime (2003, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) and
{vst_v.vst_type_cd} = "I" and
{vst_v.acct_sts} <> "I" and
not ({vst_v.hosp_svc} like "M*") and
not ({vst_v.adm_src} in ["TA", "TB", "TE", "TH", "TS"]) and
{vst_v.dx_cd} in "480.0" to "483.8" and
{vst_v.dx_cd} in "485" to "487.8