I was lucky enough to find the answer to how to group results in one line horizontally HERE!! Thank You. This is the formula I used which works. Sort of.
Group Header is suppressed with this formula in it.
stringvar list := "";
Group Footer
stringvar list;
Details is suppressed with this formula in it
stringvar list;
if instr(list,{VMIS_TABPAY_1.CODPAY}) = 0 then
list := list + {VMIS_TABPAY_1.CODPAY}+ ", " else
list := list;
App No Country - Results
123 US
123 JP
123 UK
App No Countries - Results display in ONE LINE HORIZONTALLY
123 US, JP,UK
My problem is that I had to change the formula slightly. In the group footer I changed -2 to 0 because I received an error message "String length is less than 0 or not an integer) As a result if one of my applications has one country it leaves a comma after the ONE country. See below.
App No Country
124 US,
If there is only one country I want to see the following.
App No Country
124 US
Is there any way I can fix it?
Group Header is suppressed with this formula in it.
stringvar list := "";
Group Footer
stringvar list;
Details is suppressed with this formula in it
stringvar list;
if instr(list,{VMIS_TABPAY_1.CODPAY}) = 0 then
list := list + {VMIS_TABPAY_1.CODPAY}+ ", " else
list := list;
App No Country - Results
123 US
123 JP
123 UK
App No Countries - Results display in ONE LINE HORIZONTALLY
123 US, JP,UK
My problem is that I had to change the formula slightly. In the group footer I changed -2 to 0 because I received an error message "String length is less than 0 or not an integer) As a result if one of my applications has one country it leaves a comma after the ONE country. See below.
App No Country
124 US,
If there is only one country I want to see the following.
App No Country
124 US
Is there any way I can fix it?