Using Crystal Reports XI, I've recently finished a relatively lengthy report for a client. At the client's request, that report is exported to .rtf (and then saved as a .doc). However, it seems that when CR exports to MS Word (2003 Pro) it exports everything as an individual graphic field (e.g. a box, a text box, single line). This doesn't bother me much, but the client doesn't like it because they can't add or remove rows or columns to the .doc. Being individual graphic pieces instead of interconnected cells, they can't do much with the data beyond looking at it.
I'm looking for any suggestions on how to best get this data into a correctly formatted table in a MS Word document. MS Word is preferred, but an Excel file would suffice. The formatting isn't that complex, it just has to be exact. These reports come out anywhere from 35-150 pages, so if we can't export them more or less complete we'll have to find another solution. Any ideas would help... we're looking at losing a lot of work if we can't get this data into editable rows and columns. Thanks a lot!
I'm looking for any suggestions on how to best get this data into a correctly formatted table in a MS Word document. MS Word is preferred, but an Excel file would suffice. The formatting isn't that complex, it just has to be exact. These reports come out anywhere from 35-150 pages, so if we can't export them more or less complete we'll have to find another solution. Any ideas would help... we're looking at losing a lot of work if we can't get this data into editable rows and columns. Thanks a lot!