I use Crystal Enterprise 10 on a W2k server. I have installed the RDC ASP Samples for Crystal Reports 10 provided by Business Object.
I can display any report using either viewer Java or ActiveX. I dispaly either the saved data on the report or I pass on the report parameters from a web form using the following code (place into the morerequiredsteps.asp page):
' Set the report selection parameters
'Set ParameterFields = session("oRpt").ParameterFields
'Set ParameterField = ParameterFields.Item(1)
'ParameterField.SetCurrentValue "B"
Typically, I get the values from an HTML form.
However, I cannot get the refresh button from the viewer to prompt for parameter entry. I believe the code provided by business object into the RDCrptserver10.asp page should be changed aroung the code:
Case "RFSH"
' This command forces the database to be read again.
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call CheckForError
session("oRpt").EnableParameterPrompting = false
Set session("oPageEngine") = session("oRpt").PageEngine
End If
If I set the property EnableParameterPrompting to true, the refresh button hangs.
Please help.
I can display any report using either viewer Java or ActiveX. I dispaly either the saved data on the report or I pass on the report parameters from a web form using the following code (place into the morerequiredsteps.asp page):
' Set the report selection parameters
'Set ParameterFields = session("oRpt").ParameterFields
'Set ParameterField = ParameterFields.Item(1)
'ParameterField.SetCurrentValue "B"
Typically, I get the values from an HTML form.
However, I cannot get the refresh button from the viewer to prompt for parameter entry. I believe the code provided by business object into the RDCrptserver10.asp page should be changed aroung the code:
Case "RFSH"
' This command forces the database to be read again.
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call CheckForError
session("oRpt").EnableParameterPrompting = false
Set session("oPageEngine") = session("oRpt").PageEngine
End If
If I set the property EnableParameterPrompting to true, the refresh button hangs.
Please help.