HELP! Please! I have tried and tried...
Can anyone tell me what is rong here? When I view the report I get the ENTIRE DB, not just the data I am requesting in my SQL (below).
* Example of STRING strRST = SELECT Title, Artist, OrderNo FROM [prosingdata] WHERE [Title] LIKE "*score*" ORDER BY Title, Artist, OrderNo ;
* strCReport = "f:\apps\ssearch\ssearch2.rpt"
Dim crxApp As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim Report As CRAXDRT.Report
Set Report = crxApp.OpenReport(strCReport, 1)
'set the reportsource
CRViewer1.ReportSource = Report
'set SQL select for report
Report.SQLQueryString = strRST
'preview the report
What am I doing wrong? All I want is the report to come up with the data shown that was selected. Instead ALL records are coming up in the report.
Can anyone tell me what is rong here? When I view the report I get the ENTIRE DB, not just the data I am requesting in my SQL (below).
* Example of STRING strRST = SELECT Title, Artist, OrderNo FROM [prosingdata] WHERE [Title] LIKE "*score*" ORDER BY Title, Artist, OrderNo ;
* strCReport = "f:\apps\ssearch\ssearch2.rpt"
Dim crxApp As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim Report As CRAXDRT.Report
Set Report = crxApp.OpenReport(strCReport, 1)
'set the reportsource
CRViewer1.ReportSource = Report
'set SQL select for report
Report.SQLQueryString = strRST
'preview the report
What am I doing wrong? All I want is the report to come up with the data shown that was selected. Instead ALL records are coming up in the report.