IE V4 - V5.5 will lock up on occasion and I can't figure out what's causing it. 90% of the time it works fine, but 10% it'll lockup.
What's happening is the user will select parameters from an IE browser window dropdown, then press submit,(using client side vbscript) a new browser window will open, loading the active-x viewer w/value(s) but on occasion, the new IE browser window will never appear, the mouseover button will stay depressed and the browser will lock.
What I have figured out is that if I go into task manager, I will find TWO IE Explorer process running, (even though only one IE broser window is visible). If I kill the one that's not running, the existing browser window will suddenly load the new window as it should with the report.
Any ideas??
(Crystal V8, IE V4-V5.5, IIS V4)
What's happening is the user will select parameters from an IE browser window dropdown, then press submit,(using client side vbscript) a new browser window will open, loading the active-x viewer w/value(s) but on occasion, the new IE browser window will never appear, the mouseover button will stay depressed and the browser will lock.
What I have figured out is that if I go into task manager, I will find TWO IE Explorer process running, (even though only one IE broser window is visible). If I kill the one that's not running, the existing browser window will suddenly load the new window as it should with the report.
Any ideas??
(Crystal V8, IE V4-V5.5, IIS V4)