I'm sure Ken Hamedy would be able to tell you alot more than I could, but here's what i've gathered:
To receive certification from Crystal Decisions, you have to become an ACE: Accredited Crystal Engineer/Authorized Crystal Engineer...something Crystal Engineer anyways. The course costs about $2000 Canadian (so alot less for Americans), and is done via the net from my understanding.
Thats where I'd start looking anyway. Not sure if htey have advanced courses if you want to become an instructor or not. Again, checking with Ken would be your best bet.
There is certification for consulting only, the ACE. It is web based and has only been around since the spring of this year. I haven't bothered with it yet, but a few folks here have done it.
There is no certification for independent instructors. To be an authorized instructor you still have to work for Seagate, or one of their partners. Ken Hamady, On-site/Phone Crystal Reports Training/Consulting
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