Haven't worked with Access much but I basically want to count two fields and have the # of instances print beside them. This is probably easy but I am having trouble. Basically I have two fields in a table named 11-10-05 Respones and the fields are called STORE CODE and LIST CODE. I want a report that looks like the following:
Store Code List Code Quantity
CS IN1 1
GB BH4 8
Right now my query looks like this:
TRANSFORM Count([11-10-05 Respones].[STORE CODE]) AS CountOfStoreCode
SELECT [11-10-05 Respones].[STORE CODE], [11-10-05 Respones].[LIST CODE]
FROM [11-10-05 Respones]
GROUP BY [11-10-05 Respones].[STORE CODE], [11-10-05 Respones].[LIST CODE]
PIVOT [11-10-05 Respones].[LIST CODE];
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Store Code List Code Quantity
CS IN1 1
GB BH4 8
Right now my query looks like this:
TRANSFORM Count([11-10-05 Respones].[STORE CODE]) AS CountOfStoreCode
SELECT [11-10-05 Respones].[STORE CODE], [11-10-05 Respones].[LIST CODE]
FROM [11-10-05 Respones]
GROUP BY [11-10-05 Respones].[STORE CODE], [11-10-05 Respones].[LIST CODE]
PIVOT [11-10-05 Respones].[LIST CODE];
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.