I am trying to create a crosstab, using totaled workorder hours, then using a manual running total to get monthly hours for each piece of equipment.I am using 2 string arrays to get the data to the subreport.
This one collects the equipment;
stringvar strEquipmentName;
strEquipmentName:= strEquipmentName +{WFR_SYSTEMS.SYSTEM_DESCR} + "^";
This collects the monthly hours for each equipment:
stringvar Sum_mthHrs;
Sum_mthHrs := Sum_mthHrs + totext({@JanHrs_Display}) + "^"+totext({@FebHrs_Display})+ "^" +totext({@MarHrs_Display})+ "^" + totext({@AprHrs_Display})+ "^"+ totext({@MayHrs_Display})+ "^"+ totext({@JunHrs_Display})+ "^"+totext({@JulHrs_Display})+ "^" +totext({@AugHrs_Display})+ "^"+totext({@SepHrs_Display})+ "^"+totext({@OctHrs_Display})+ "^"+totext({@NovHrs_Display})+ "^"+totext({@DecHrs_Display})+ "^";
I can't get this to work in a crosstab, can anyone help please.
This one collects the equipment;
stringvar strEquipmentName;
strEquipmentName:= strEquipmentName +{WFR_SYSTEMS.SYSTEM_DESCR} + "^";
This collects the monthly hours for each equipment:
stringvar Sum_mthHrs;
Sum_mthHrs := Sum_mthHrs + totext({@JanHrs_Display}) + "^"+totext({@FebHrs_Display})+ "^" +totext({@MarHrs_Display})+ "^" + totext({@AprHrs_Display})+ "^"+ totext({@MayHrs_Display})+ "^"+ totext({@JunHrs_Display})+ "^"+totext({@JulHrs_Display})+ "^" +totext({@AugHrs_Display})+ "^"+totext({@SepHrs_Display})+ "^"+totext({@OctHrs_Display})+ "^"+totext({@NovHrs_Display})+ "^"+totext({@DecHrs_Display})+ "^";
I can't get this to work in a crosstab, can anyone help please.