I have a report that I need to set up as a cross tab(I think).
It is a table that contains information about cunsumer injuries. I need to have the state on the vertical and the type of injury across the top. Here is the interesting part: I need to combine the report so that I can show injuries by a given time period and also the number if injuries to date.
it should look something like this
February 2005 YTD 2005
broken arm broken leg broken arm broken leg
AZ 1 3 2 5
CK 0 0 6 10
I could do 2 subreports and place them side by side, BUT the data would not match up if there were no entries in the month data selection.
I am also willing to split the data in the same cells if that would work also. ie: Month data on top then slash and YTD data below.
Is this possible?
It is a table that contains information about cunsumer injuries. I need to have the state on the vertical and the type of injury across the top. Here is the interesting part: I need to combine the report so that I can show injuries by a given time period and also the number if injuries to date.
it should look something like this
February 2005 YTD 2005
broken arm broken leg broken arm broken leg
AZ 1 3 2 5
CK 0 0 6 10
I could do 2 subreports and place them side by side, BUT the data would not match up if there were no entries in the month data selection.
I am also willing to split the data in the same cells if that would work also. ie: Month data on top then slash and YTD data below.
Is this possible?