We have a CR based on Product Spec for clothing. Each product can have multible sizes (e.g. A Yellow Bra can be size 34A, 34B etc)
On the main report is the spec (colour, picture etc), then there is a subreport that contains a Cross Tab table based on the individual sizes (this is in the Report Footer)
Each size has 8 records (material used, cut size etc)
Our problem is that when there are more than 6 sizes, the preview does not show them on the cross tab, they are on the 'Virtual Pages'
I have looked on here for help, but with no luck.
The CR help suggests ticking the 'Repeat on Horizontal Pages' check box in the Format dialog box, but this is greyed out.
I have even created a Cross Tab on the report, but it is still greyed out, and I get too many records back in the main report.
Any suggestions please?
We have a CR based on Product Spec for clothing. Each product can have multible sizes (e.g. A Yellow Bra can be size 34A, 34B etc)
On the main report is the spec (colour, picture etc), then there is a subreport that contains a Cross Tab table based on the individual sizes (this is in the Report Footer)
Each size has 8 records (material used, cut size etc)
Our problem is that when there are more than 6 sizes, the preview does not show them on the cross tab, they are on the 'Virtual Pages'
I have looked on here for help, but with no luck.
The CR help suggests ticking the 'Repeat on Horizontal Pages' check box in the Format dialog box, but this is greyed out.
I have even created a Cross Tab on the report, but it is still greyed out, and I get too many records back in the main report.
Any suggestions please?