Hey All
I have designed a DB with a password form: here is the code below.......
Now I have stored the Current User ID (strCurUserId), Current User Name(strCurUserNam) and Current User Level (strCurUserLevel) into a table named "tblCurUser". What I am looking to achieve is allow specified users to access management tools, by crossreferencing the strCurUserLevel within tblCurUser and I would also like to have visible at all times the User Name listed on each of the forms that the user has entered.
Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated, as I have not been successful in my attempts.
Thanks in advance for your help.....
I have designed a DB with a password form: here is the code below.......
Private Sub cmdOpenFrm_Click()
Dim UserId, Pwd As String
UserId = cboUserId.Text
Pwd = txtPwd.Text
If IsNull(UserId) = True Then
MsgBox "Please select user name from drop down.", vbOKOnly, "INVALID USER!"
End If
If IsNull(Pwd) = True Then
MsgBox "Please enter correct password. If you do not know or you have forgotten your password, please contact database administrator.", vbOKOnly, "INVALID PASSWORD!"
End If
Dim PwdRS As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set PwdRS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from tblUser where strUserId = " & Chr(34) & UserId & Chr(34))
If PwdRS.EOF = True Then
MsgBox "Please select a proper User ID from dropdown. If your User ID is not in the dropdown area, then please contact the database administrator.", vbOKOnly, "Invalid User!"
End If
intLogonAttempts = intLogonAttempts + 1
If intLogonAttempts > 3 Then
MsgBox "You do not have access to this database. Please contact database administrator for assistance. Thank you!", vbOKOnly, "Invalid User!"
GoTo TheEnd
End If
If PwdRS.Fields("strPwd") = Pwd Then
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "frmSplash1"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmPwScreen"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSplash1"
MsgBox "The password you have entered is incorrect." & "Please enter another password."
GoTo TheEnd
End If
Dim MyUserId As String
Dim MyUserNam As String
Dim MyUserLevel As String
Dim MyQryTbl As String
MyUserId = PwdRS.Fields("strUserId")
MyUserNam = PwdRS.Fields("strUserNam")
MyUserLevel = PwdRS.Fields("strUserLevel")
MyQryTbl = "Select" & Chr(34) & MyUserId & Chr(34) & "as strCurUserId, " & Chr(34) & MyUserNam & Chr(34) & _
"as strCurUserNam, " & Chr(34) & MyUserLevel & Chr(34) & "as strCurUserLevel into tblCurUser"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL MyQryTbl
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
Now I have stored the Current User ID (strCurUserId), Current User Name(strCurUserNam) and Current User Level (strCurUserLevel) into a table named "tblCurUser". What I am looking to achieve is allow specified users to access management tools, by crossreferencing the strCurUserLevel within tblCurUser and I would also like to have visible at all times the User Name listed on each of the forms that the user has entered.
Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated, as I have not been successful in my attempts.
Thanks in advance for your help.....