We have a cron job that ftp's a file over to our AIX box, it goes and looks for this file every day, We are now haveing a problem with it not working correctly, works fine manually, but we are getting all these errors in one of our error logs. Here is a copy of some of the errors...if anyone has any ideas as to what this means please let me know..
10:23:14 <D> [RDDTA] dgReadData: wanted: 18 read: 18, sd = 105
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] dgReadMsg: cmd: IDENTITY, data len: 18 @ 616297928 <0x24bbf5c8>
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] kmc_fr_labcorp_Ord signing on.
10:23:14 <D> [CBCOM] RTC_CleanOutClient(kmc_fr_labcorp_Ord) -- start
10:23:14 <D> [CBCOM] RTC_CleanOutClient -- end
10:23:14 <D> [CHILD] client kmc_fr_labcorp_Ord is @610050600 <0x245ca228>
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] server is reading a DGPVx message.
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] it's DGPV3.
10:23:14 <D> [RDDTA] dgReadData: wanted: 13 read: 13, sd = 106
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] dgReadMsg: cmd: IDENTITY, data len: 13 @ 616297928 <0x24bbf5c8>
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] kmc_fr_DEXTER signing on.
10:23:14 <D> [CBCOM] RTC_CleanOutClient(kmc_fr_DEXTER) -- start
10:23:14 <D> [CBCOM] RTC_CleanOutClient -- end
10:23:14 <D> [CHILD] client kmc_fr_DEXTER is @610961672 <0x246a8908>
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] server is reading a DGPVx message.
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] it's DGPV3.
10:23:14 <D> [RDDTA] dgReadData: wanted: 12 read: 12, sd = 107
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] dgReadMsg: cmd: IDENTITY, data len: 12 @ 616297928 <0x24bbf5c8>
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] kmc_fr_DISCH signing on.
10:23:14 <D> [CBCOM] RTC_CleanOutClient(kmc_fr_DISCH) -- start
10:23:14 <D> [CBCOM] RTC_CleanOutClient -- end
10:23:14 <D> [CHILD] client kmc_fr_DISCH is @610965928 <0x246a99a8>
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] server is reading a DGPVx message.
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] it's DGPV3.
10:23:14 <D> [RDDTA] dgReadData: wanted: 18 read: 18, sd = 105
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] dgReadMsg: cmd: IDENTITY, data len: 18 @ 616297928 <0x24bbf5c8>
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] kmc_fr_labcorp_Ord signing on.
10:23:14 <D> [CBCOM] RTC_CleanOutClient(kmc_fr_labcorp_Ord) -- start
10:23:14 <D> [CBCOM] RTC_CleanOutClient -- end
10:23:14 <D> [CHILD] client kmc_fr_labcorp_Ord is @610050600 <0x245ca228>
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] server is reading a DGPVx message.
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] it's DGPV3.
10:23:14 <D> [RDDTA] dgReadData: wanted: 13 read: 13, sd = 106
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] dgReadMsg: cmd: IDENTITY, data len: 13 @ 616297928 <0x24bbf5c8>
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] kmc_fr_DEXTER signing on.
10:23:14 <D> [CBCOM] RTC_CleanOutClient(kmc_fr_DEXTER) -- start
10:23:14 <D> [CBCOM] RTC_CleanOutClient -- end
10:23:14 <D> [CHILD] client kmc_fr_DEXTER is @610961672 <0x246a8908>
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] server is reading a DGPVx message.
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] it's DGPV3.
10:23:14 <D> [RDDTA] dgReadData: wanted: 12 read: 12, sd = 107
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] dgReadMsg: cmd: IDENTITY, data len: 12 @ 616297928 <0x24bbf5c8>
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] kmc_fr_DISCH signing on.
10:23:14 <D> [CBCOM] RTC_CleanOutClient(kmc_fr_DISCH) -- start
10:23:14 <D> [CBCOM] RTC_CleanOutClient -- end
10:23:14 <D> [CHILD] client kmc_fr_DISCH is @610965928 <0x246a99a8>
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] server is reading a DGPVx message.
10:23:14 <D> [RDMSG] it's DGPV3.