Doesn't cron "AND" the logic for all the crontab fields until all are true to run a command? I thought so but appears I'm wrong. I set a job up that emails me to show it ran (just to see if I could get at this strange repeating run request) - and its running when I think it shouldn't... some details... by the following, I'm trying to get at the Thursday that falls after the first Sunday of the month. I added it to crontab yesterday But it ran last night (on WED. the 11th) instead of waiting until next month on the 10th which will be the Thursday after the first Sunday in July.
0 22 5-11 * 4 /home/bap/ THURS_AFTER_FIRST_SUN
So - I thought cron ANDs -- Am I wrong? Does it OR?
0 22 5-11 * 4 /home/bap/ THURS_AFTER_FIRST_SUN
So - I thought cron ANDs -- Am I wrong? Does it OR?