Jan 16, 2008 #1 pungigis Programmer Dec 5, 2007 71 US I have a query I want to be able to pull by a specific name or all names in the field, I can't get it to work, can anyone help.
I have a query I want to be able to pull by a specific name or all names in the field, I can't get it to work, can anyone help.
Jan 16, 2008 #2 S SkipVought Programmer Dec 4, 2001 47,489 US Could you post a representative example? Skip, When a diminutive clarvoyant had disappeared from detention, headlines read... Small Medium at Large Upvote 0 Downvote
Could you post a representative example? Skip, When a diminutive clarvoyant had disappeared from detention, headlines read... Small Medium at Large
Jan 16, 2008 Thread starter #3 pungigis Programmer Dec 5, 2007 71 US Analyst Name Lisa Mary Joe John Want to be able to pull a report by either LISA or a report of ALL lisa, mary, joe & john. I have the following: Analyst name Criteria: [Enter Analyst Name] or "*" It's not working, it returns all no matter what I put. Upvote 0 Downvote
Analyst Name Lisa Mary Joe John Want to be able to pull a report by either LISA or a report of ALL lisa, mary, joe & john. I have the following: Analyst name Criteria: [Enter Analyst Name] or "*" It's not working, it returns all no matter what I put.
Jan 16, 2008 #4 PHV MIS Nov 8, 2002 53,708 FR Criteria: [Enter Analyst Name] OR Trim([Enter Analyst Name] & "") = "" Hope This Helps, PH. FAQ219-2884 FAQ181-2886 Upvote 0 Downvote
Criteria: [Enter Analyst Name] OR Trim([Enter Analyst Name] & "") = "" Hope This Helps, PH. FAQ219-2884 FAQ181-2886
Jan 16, 2008 #5 PHV MIS Nov 8, 2002 53,708 FR Another way: Criteria: Like [Enter Analyst Name] & "*" Hope This Helps, PH. FAQ219-2884 FAQ181-2886 Upvote 0 Downvote
Jan 17, 2008 #6 JerryKlmns IS-IT--Management Feb 7, 2005 2,062 GR Would you like a combo on a form to do the filtering for the query? faq702-4538 Upvote 0 Downvote