Technical User
Hello All,
I will be very grateful if someone will answer my question.
I need to find a turnaround time for a department.
I ran this query:
SELECT TblTracking.DAssign, TblTracking.RecordID, TblTracking.ERNumber, TblTracking.ERName1, TblTracking.UServiceType, TblTracking.UReqType, TblTracking.DRecDate, TblTracking.DocIssueReturnedtoDate, TblTracking.DocIssueReturnedtoArea, TblTracking.DocIssueAllDocReceived, TblTracking.DCompleted, IIf([DocIssueReturnedtoDate] Is Not Null,Work_Days([DRecDate],[DocIssueReturnedtoDate])) AS A, IIf([DocIssueAllDocReceived] Is Not Null,Work_Days([DocIssueAllDocReceived],[DCompleted])) AS B, IIf([DocIssueReturnedtoDate] Is Null,Work_Days([DRecDate],[DCompleted])) AS C, IIf([C] Is Null,[A]+,[C]) AS Turnaround
FROM TblTracking
WHERE (((TblTracking.DAssign)<>"Elaine Behan") AND ((TblTracking.UServiceType) Like "*SPD*") AND ((TblTracking.DRecDate)>#1/1/2005#) AND ((TblTracking.DCompleted) Is Not Null) AND ((TblTracking.Voided)<>-1) AND ((TblTracking.OldRequest)<>-1));
The result shows the turnaround time from 0 to 130 days.
I need the turnaround >20.
Based on the first query I wrote a second query where the criteria in a turnaround field is >20.
I tried to run it and it looks like Access is frozen and the system can not handle it.
Thank you very much for your time and help.
I will be very grateful if someone will answer my question.
I need to find a turnaround time for a department.
I ran this query:
SELECT TblTracking.DAssign, TblTracking.RecordID, TblTracking.ERNumber, TblTracking.ERName1, TblTracking.UServiceType, TblTracking.UReqType, TblTracking.DRecDate, TblTracking.DocIssueReturnedtoDate, TblTracking.DocIssueReturnedtoArea, TblTracking.DocIssueAllDocReceived, TblTracking.DCompleted, IIf([DocIssueReturnedtoDate] Is Not Null,Work_Days([DRecDate],[DocIssueReturnedtoDate])) AS A, IIf([DocIssueAllDocReceived] Is Not Null,Work_Days([DocIssueAllDocReceived],[DCompleted])) AS B, IIf([DocIssueReturnedtoDate] Is Null,Work_Days([DRecDate],[DCompleted])) AS C, IIf([C] Is Null,[A]+,[C]) AS Turnaround
FROM TblTracking
WHERE (((TblTracking.DAssign)<>"Elaine Behan") AND ((TblTracking.UServiceType) Like "*SPD*") AND ((TblTracking.DRecDate)>#1/1/2005#) AND ((TblTracking.DCompleted) Is Not Null) AND ((TblTracking.Voided)<>-1) AND ((TblTracking.OldRequest)<>-1));
The result shows the turnaround time from 0 to 130 days.
I need the turnaround >20.
Based on the first query I wrote a second query where the criteria in a turnaround field is >20.
I tried to run it and it looks like Access is frozen and the system can not handle it.
Thank you very much for your time and help.