Have a calculated field in a query based on calculated sums earlier in the query. I need to suppress records when the final calculated field equals zero. To simplify here are three fields in the query:
My problem: Can't get a criteria (that works) entered for the third field, "LastBalance". I need to suppress records with a last balance of zero. (This is the best argument I know of for storing calculated values! Mea culpa!) When I enter a criteria (<> 0) then I get no records.
Your help would be appreciated.
Gus Brunston
An old PICKer
Have a calculated field in a query based on calculated sums earlier in the query. I need to suppress records when the final calculated field equals zero. To simplify here are three fields in the query:
Field: Sum Of SecurityDeposit:_
Table: tblSecurityDeposits
Total: Sum
Field: Sum Of Refunded: Refunded
Table: tblSecurityDeposits
Total: Sum
Field: LastBalance:[Sum Of SecurityDeposit]_
-[Sum Of Refunded]
Total: Expression
My problem: Can't get a criteria (that works) entered for the third field, "LastBalance". I need to suppress records with a last balance of zero. (This is the best argument I know of for storing calculated values! Mea culpa!) When I enter a criteria (<> 0) then I get no records.
Your help would be appreciated.
Gus Brunston
An old PICKer