If you have an AGP Slot, you can run almost any AGP card, also I dont think the TNT2 is a good buy anymore, in fact you can get a Geforce2 MX 32Meg for cheaper than a TNT2 32Meg, and it contains all the newest technology of cards today. on average it can be priced anywhere between 100 to 160$
also Avoice TNT2 M64 at all cost, it runs on a 64bit memory, which makes it cheaper, but makes it really bad.
OEM is also known as "White Box" it's where it's not retail(Like thrown in a pretty box, with bundled CDs, and games and put up on the shelf) instead when you order OEM, you are asking for the product itself (which usally comes with manual, and driver CD, but thats about it) which is typically cheaper
AGP = Advanced Graphic Port
I feel that if you just want a decent card, the Geforce2 MX 32Meg is the best way to go, since it is cheaper than a good TNT2, but is also several generations newer than a TNT2, also avoid a Geforce2 MX 64Meg edition, since those are kind of the same as the TNT2 M64, that makes them cheaper by making the memory 64bit rather than 128bit. [sig]<p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href=
also for your K6-2 question, on my K6-2 that I had, which had upto AGP2X speeds, I Was able to use my TNT2 Ultra, Geforce SDR, and my Geforce DDR cards
Another idea is to get a TNT2 Ultra 32Mb or Voodoo3. TNT2 Ultra's can be had for around $100 (and i'm getting around 45 FPS on Quake3 with one), and you can get a Voodoo3 3000 for about $83! Booth are good cards. I got the prices from "
V3 has no 32bit 3d modes, it not that good in my opinion, its the card 3dfx almost died on since they lacked many important features , and it runs the hotest in temperature compared to any other card, a TNT2 Ultra is a much better card. [sig]<p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href=
I have the TNT2 m64 and it destroys Quake III though most of that may be attributed to the Athlon 800mhz and the 256mb ram. Hmm.... [sig]<p>Ladin<br><a href=mailto:matchu_14@hotmail.com>matchu_14@hotmail.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Tech support for 1 1/2 years, build computers, messed with C, HTML, Working on Flash, Role-Playing Game Junkie (Diablo2)[/sig]
hah you kidding the M64 is a peice of junk, it's half the speed of normal TNT2. [sig]<p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href=
M64 = power of unpluged toaster. The Ultra or GeForce 1 or 2 are your best bet! The I love the Ultra! I've gotten over 60FPS in some games (my system is 600mhz p-3 with 192Mbs mem). Quake3 (just about the most graphics intense game around) gets a good steady 45FPS @800x600! Get the Ultra if you can't afford a GeForce!
Thanks kb224 for the heads up on no 32bit in the V3! I didn't know about that.
if you are looking for best bangs for the bucks, and you have a AGP slot, a Geforce2 MX is your best choice (make sure you do some reviews to make sure your motherboard is compatible) it has about close to the speed of a Geforce DDR (which is what I have) but all the features of a Geforce2 GTS, and it's in the sub-200 range, almost as low as 100$ , very good for your money, a Gf2 Ultra is indeed very nice, hoever it cost about 500$, so it's definitly not Best bangs for the bucks, currently I would waiver between a Geforce DDR (which is what I have) which is pretty fast now, very nice, or a Geforce2 MX which is a bit slower, But it comes with alot more. if you have to get a TNT2 , dont settle for anything less than a TNT2 Ultra. [sig]<p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href=
to give you an idea on speed, (60fps is minimal for me) I run a Athlon 'Classic' 750 512MEg rams, and a Geforce DDR
in Quake2 I Can get upto 149FPS in 800x600, I can get around 70FPS in 1600x1200, in Quake3 I Can average around 70FPS at 800x600 (depends on how many eye candy you have turned off) most of my games never fall below 30FPS , even when I had my GeforceDDR installed on my old K6-2/450
The Geforce Line of cards using it's work mostly done on the card and not on the CPU, really can give an slightly older system a good boost. I'd be happy to provide any benchmarks, or statistics on any game you want, and I'll let you know, also if you need links to Geforce2 MX benchmarks and reviews also let me know, I'll compile a list of reviews for almost each Geforce, as well as some Geforce VS somecompetitor articles.
Check out nvnews.net sometimes, right now they got a bunch of post screaming about the brand new Geforce2 Ultra (a bit costly if you ask me) [sig]<p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href=
YOUR MOMMA! heh. wow you guys have nice pc's!
What I meant was the TNT2 Ultra not the GeForce2 Ultra (wich is currently the fastest card around). Since Temjin has a K6-2(I'm guessing it's about 3-400 Mhz). The GeForces GPU would really speed up his machine. But it's still almost $40 more then the TNT2 Ultra.
I Haven't heard of GeForce 2's being so cheap. The cheapest I've seen a GeForce is $145 for an OEM. Were did you find such a good price? Guess I should get me one too! [sig][/sig]
um, actually a Geforce2 MX is cheaper than a TNT2 Ultra, you can get a Geforce2 MX for about 100$, you wont find any GF2 GTS under 200$, anything under 200$ will be a geforce2 MX. which are the newest "low-end" cards to replace TNT2's position as the low-end market cards. [sig]<p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href=
Ok I just flew around the web comparing stuff. End result?
GeForce 256
GeForce2 MX
GeForce DDR
GeForce SDR
Speed: (tests in Quake 3 @ 1024x768)
DDR gets 85FPS. MX gets 76FPS. SDR gets 72FPS. GeForce Don't know. I'm thinking it's around that general speed. I got the results from here if you want to see them.
GeForce: Elsa Erazor-X 32MB SDRAM, 4X AGP,DVD, NVIDIA GEFORCE 256
GeForce2 MX: Tornado 32MB SDRAM, 4X AGP, and I believe DVD
GeForce SDR: no info other then it's 32Mb
GeForce DDR: WinFast 32MB SDRAM, 4X AGP, DVD
So you pick! I like them all!
I got most of the prices from "
um, Geforce SDR and DRR are the ONLY Geforces, basically what it is, is the first Geforce was known as Geforce256 which is basically the SDR model, SDR means Sychronous Data Rate, meaning single data transfer on the rams, DDR means Double Data Rate, it's memory is capable of twice as much of the SDR model although overall performance may not double.
this is the road Nvidia has taken
TNT2 Ultra
Quadro (the exclusive professional chip lisenced to Elsa)
Geforce256 (SDR)
Geforce256 DDR
Geforce2 GTS
Quadro 2( again lisensed only to elsa)
Geforce2 MX
Geforce2 Ultra
Geforce2 Pro (soon to come, supposed to perform between GTS and Ultra)
and down the road the NV20(it's development codename) I Can only speculate at this moment, but the NV20 is supposed to be released around the release of DirectX 8, the reason being is NV20 is rumored to be the first card with 100% DX8 support In Hardware
check nvnews.net from time to time they always post reviews on such items, you can become more of a pro on the topic just visiting the site every day and watching it's reviews. [sig]<p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href=
The reviews I read called it either GeForce 256 or SDR. Again my mistake. I'll beat you some day darn you! heh heh.
I'll check the site. It sounds really interusting!
Are the m64 and Vanta the same? I know they bite big time. But it's always nice to have some info.
Wonder if Temjin is ever comin back? Maybe you scared him off? hehe
I've heard rumors about the Quadro. Like it's supposed to be two GeForce2's in a sli like mode! WOW!
I really need to upgrade my old Ultra. I thought it was runnin great till you came along. Darn you again! heh [sig][/sig]
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