I've written some vbscript to create a text file on a network drive which will act as a basic counter, storing the dates pages have been visited on and even the username of the person who viewed the page.
It has worked fine on my Windows 2000 machine, creating a text file with all the relevant information. However when I copy the HTM files to a network drive to allow access from other machines the code no longer works.
I would imagine it is because it is no longer able to run the script in the same way as it is not a workstation. I removed the code for getting the username as I could see why this would not work correctly from the servers network drive but the rest of the code should work - shouldn't it?!
The message I get when trying to run the code is...
Active X componant can't create object: 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'
Code 0
Is there any way to get vbscript to create a text file on a network drive without this error?
It has worked fine on my Windows 2000 machine, creating a text file with all the relevant information. However when I copy the HTM files to a network drive to allow access from other machines the code no longer works.
I would imagine it is because it is no longer able to run the script in the same way as it is not a workstation. I removed the code for getting the username as I could see why this would not work correctly from the servers network drive but the rest of the code should work - shouldn't it?!
The message I get when trying to run the code is...
Active X componant can't create object: 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'
Code 0
Is there any way to get vbscript to create a text file on a network drive without this error?