Hi All,
I am trying to create multiple sheets in a single workbook from the file names of all the files in a particular folder.
1) A folder has 4 .xlsx files and their names are: MyFile1, MyFile2, MyFile3, MyFile4
2) There's a workbook that has only its default sheet inside
3) The macro needs to scan the folder for all the files with .xlsx extension in this folder and store the file names in an array
4) In this example, there are only four files therefore the array should store 4 file names
5) Then the macro will create the four sheets and name each sheet according the file names found in the folder
I currently have the below code sample, which works but there's two issues:
1) It only creates ONE sheet and renames it with the first file's name - The loop is therefore not working here
2) It creates the sheets name with the file name AND the extension (MyFile1.xlsx etc)- I only require the file name, not the extension
I am trying to create multiple sheets in a single workbook from the file names of all the files in a particular folder.
1) A folder has 4 .xlsx files and their names are: MyFile1, MyFile2, MyFile3, MyFile4
2) There's a workbook that has only its default sheet inside
3) The macro needs to scan the folder for all the files with .xlsx extension in this folder and store the file names in an array
4) In this example, there are only four files therefore the array should store 4 file names
5) Then the macro will create the four sheets and name each sheet according the file names found in the folder
I currently have the below code sample, which works but there's two issues:
1) It only creates ONE sheet and renames it with the first file's name - The loop is therefore not working here
2) It creates the sheets name with the file name AND the extension (MyFile1.xlsx etc)- I only require the file name, not the extension
Sub CreateNewWorkSheet()
'Instantiate variables
Dim xSht As Worksheet
Dim xNSht As Worksheet
Dim xSUpdate As Boolean
Dim xRow As Long
Dim MyFile As String
Dim Counter As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set xSht = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("3rd Party")
'Create a dynamic array variable, and then declare its initial size
Dim DirectoryListArray() As String
ReDim DirectoryListArray(1000)
'Loop through all the files in the directory by using Dir$ function
MyFile = Dir$("C:\Users\Desktop\3rd Party\Work Folder\*.*")
'This line of code just helps the macro sun faster
xSUpdate = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Counter = 0 To UBound(DirectoryListArray)
DirectoryListArray(Counter) = MyFile
'If the sheet does not exist, then create the new sheet and name it the string from index I
If xNSht Is Nothing Then
Set xNSht = Worksheets.Add(, Sheets(Sheets.Count))
xNSht.Name = DirectoryListArray(Counter)
End If
Counter = Counter + 1
Next Counter
'Reset the size of the array without losing its values by using Redim Preserve
ReDim Preserve DirectoryListArray(Counter - 1)
xSht.AutoFilterMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = xSUpdate
End Sub