I am trying to create a stored procedure on z/OS DB2. After the create runs successfully, what is the next step so that DB2 knows it's there? When I run a program with sqlexec invoking a the stored procedure, it says it can't be found.
Here is the stored procedure.
create procedure sysproc.CCEXAM
in keyin char(16),
out hexout char(8)
language sql
modifies sql data
wlm environment ctenv
external name CCEXAM
result sets 1
select hex(substr(guid,1,8)) from guid_cust_assoc
where guid = keyin
Here is the stored procedure.
create procedure sysproc.CCEXAM
in keyin char(16),
out hexout char(8)
language sql
modifies sql data
wlm environment ctenv
external name CCEXAM
result sets 1
select hex(substr(guid,1,8)) from guid_cust_assoc
where guid = keyin