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Creating "File already exists, overwrite?" with CommonDialog1 1

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Jul 11, 2007
Hi clever people

I am a beginnner working in VB5, struggling with open, save, and save as procedures. I have progressed well. They seem to work as I wish, mostly. I use CommonDialog1 and it is nice but a few things puzzles me.

First of all:
I want my procedure to alert with MsgBox that user is saving a filename that already exists, you know the classic windows: "File Already exists, overwrite?"-message.

How do I do that with CommonDialog1. A simplified version of my code is this:

Public Sub SaveAS()

Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim FileName As String
Dim Address As String

txtAddress.Text = Address

FileNum = FreeFile

'open CommonDialog1 in "save as-mode"
CommonDialog1.Action = 2

FileName = CommonDialog1.FileName

Open FileName For Output As FileNum

Write #FileNum, Address

Close FileNum

End Sub


What do I code? and where do I insert the code? Is there a better approach to my needs?

I wonder how do you control/code the Save button and the cancel button of the CommonDialog1?
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True 'handles Cancel

On Error GoTo ErrHandler
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly Or cdlOFNOverwritePrompt 'Prompts if file exists

CommonDialog1.ShowSave 'Opens in Save mode

[gray]Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.[/gray]
Hi Error7

Thx a bunch. Am gonna try it out.

Knew about the .ShowSave cause it is the same as .Action = 2
but I did not know about the .Flags. Seems like that is what i look for.

About the CancelError property: This does not mean that .False controls the "Save Button", does it?

Totally agree with your motto :)

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