I have a menu made in my tcl/tk application.
It has a help menu and when the help button is clicked on the menu I want it to open a new window that I can defined myself which just conatins text etc.
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but the first thing I thought about, after I read your message was a top-level window. You know:
toplevel .fr1
I want to open up a new window.
say for example when you click on the about button in the menu of a gnome terminal you get a new window up which conatins info about the authors etc
Ok. you make a button
proc open_window {} {
toplevel .new_win
label .new_win.l1 -text "The Author is ...."
#or you can put here the text-widget you wanted
grid .new_win.l1
toplevel .mainWindow creates a new (presumably 2nd) window whose [red]path[/red] is ".mainWindow". wm title .mainWindow would change the name of the window whose path is ".mainWindow" to something if you specified an argument, say, wm title .mainWindow "your name here"
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