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Creating laser checks

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Dec 20, 2002
My problem is this. I have a laser printer that will print checks. The paper has the check on top and then 2 parts for the detail under the check all on one 8.5 X 11" sheet of paper. The check and one of the details parts go to the vendor, the other detail will be saved in office. The top part or the check is no problem and the first detail part is no problem. But how do I get the detail to print again for the bottom part of the paper. The check part, I use the heading band, the first detail part I use the detail part of the report writer. What and how do I print the bottom or the detail again. The detail of the check is invoice #, invoice date, invoice amount, amount paid, dicount amount, and a running total. I need this to print twice.
Just put in duplicate set of Text Boxes in your Detail Band which contain the same field names as you did for the "top" part.

Since these fields are part of the Detail Band, I'd suggest that you use plain paper and "tweak" the placement until you get this second set of Text boxes to print where you need them.

When everything is placed as desired, change back to the check paper.

Good Luck,
What i need is to duplicate the detail twice. I have the lase check which prints the actual check first, which is no problem. Then it has 2 vouchers for detail about the check. The first voucher I can print using the detail band or the report writer. The second voucher has to print on the same piesce of paper but below the first one. That is the proble I am having. The paper is put into a laser printer, it is 8.5 x 11. It is broken up into 3 sections.
the first section which is about 8.5 x 11. The next section is voucher1 which is 8.5 x 3.75 and the last section or voucher2 is the same size all of which i one sheet of paper. Like I said I can print the check and voucher1 but I don't know how to print voucher2.
Use a query to get your detail data with something like the following in the select:
Select field1 as field1a, ;
field1 as field1b, ;
field2 as field2a, ;
field2 as field2b, ;


Then print the a fields for the first voucher and the b fields for the second.

You say "I need to print the detail twice"... try thinking outside the box:

Instead, make the detail band twice as large... that is, make a report where one detail prints per page, and just place all the textboxes right where you want them.

When the same data item must show in multiple places, just duplicate the textbox in all the necessary places.

- Bill

Get the best answers to your questions -- See FAQ481-4875.
The vouchers look like this

Invoice # Invoice Invoice Amount Discount Total
Date Amount Paid Paid

1234 08/01/2005 125.00 0.00 0.00 125.00
1235 08/02/2005 250.00 0.00 0.00 375.00
1236 08/03/2005 250.00 0.00 0.00 625.00
1237 08/04/2005 150.00 50.00 10.00 715.00

That is the first voucher, I need to do the same thing on voucher2. There could be one record or multiple records for one check.

I agree with Bill - sort of. As long as you are sure that there's only one style of voucher check to deal with (i.e. Stub/Stub/Check or Check/Stub/Stub or Stub/Check/Stub) and that it's not going to change make the detail band the full size of the paper.

Your table/cursor should have everything it needs for a single check in a single row. If the stub can accomodate 12 lines of 'detail' then your table will need fields like 'invoice01' ...'invoice12', 'date01' ... 'date12'. You get the idea.

Now lay out this huge detail band to accomodate all your fields - duplicating the stub items on each stub.

This get's tricky if your writing for a distributed application and the customer can have any one of the check styles mentioned above. Then you have to programatically generate the FRX based upon the customer specs.



Something that I find important in reporting is this:

Reporting is fundamentally de-normalizing your data... this denormalization is often accomplished by the report writer itself in VFP, but you can do it explicitly beforhand by creating/manipulating cursors.

So don't worry about creating a de-normalized cursor to generate a report from... just be sure you can de-normalize in a general enough way (don't limit yourself to 12 bands if the invoice form could hold 14...)

My impression had been that one record would be used twice in a row: once for the check, and once for the check-stub.

Now I see you didn't mean "check" (financial instrument)... you meant "check" (restaurant table invoice)... so you have several records that have to print on each check.

ohh... that's hard... Steve's recommendation is probably the simplest with the VFP report writer....

- Bill

Get the best answers to your questions -- See FAQ481-4875.
"What I need is to duplicate the detail twice. I have the laser check which prints the actual check first, which is no problem.
Then it has 2 vouchers for detail about the check.
The first voucher I can print using the detail band or the report writer.
The second voucher has to print on the same piece of paper but below the first one"

If you do as I suggested above, it is simple to set up and it will print out as you expect and need.

"The paper is put into a laser printer, it is 8.5 x 11.
It is broken up into 3 sections.
The first section which is about 8.5 x 11.???
The next section is voucher1 which is 8.5 x 3.75 and the last section or voucher2 is the same size all of which I one sheet of paper."

Your description is somewhat confusing.

You say that the paper is standard 8.5 x 11 and that sheet is broken up into 3 parts.

But then you go on to say that the first of the 3 sections is the same dimension as the entire sheet.

If the entire sheet of paper (all 3 sections included) is standard 8.5 x 11, then there is no real "trick" to making this work.

Within the Detail Band you can have multiple report text boxes which use the same data table field value.

With that in mind, you can set up your Report Form so that you display the data in Voucher 1 and then again in Voucher 2.

To simply check this method out...
1. Use the Command Window
2. Open some data table and leave it open
3. Create a new Test Report Form
4. Place a Text Box in the Detail Band (TextBox1) and assign it to use one of the data table fields.
5. Now place another Text Box (TextBox2) somewhere else in the Detail Band (example: 2 inches below TextBox1) and assign it to use the same data field value as TextBox2.
6. View the Report in Preview to see the results.

If the same data is "printed" in both of the TextBoxes and one is below the other, you have a solution to your need.

Good Luck,
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Part and Inventory Search

