I have weather data and financial data nad need to create a join key for each. The weather data give me a date time (Grenwich mean time) in the format YYYYMMDDHRMM, and the financial data hals a locael time doen to the second. I can create a Unique key for the weather data because the data is collected hourly, si if I can create a key that has yyyymmddhh, (leaving off the seconds I'm in business. I local time from the weather time by subtracting 6 hours from the zulu time, and do that by extracting each part from the zulutime and calculate the Fiscal year month etc. The problem is the the month, day and hour can have single digits (1 instead of 01). This creates duplicate in the weather key.
How can I create mm dd hh so that they have two character e.g 01 02 03 etc. In access the format function does it great, leaves the leading zero, but the format function in Excel is not the same.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
How can I create mm dd hh so that they have two character e.g 01 02 03 etc. In access the format function does it great, leaves the leading zero, but the format function in Excel is not the same.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance