Hi All - I have a DB for supervisors to use when they hire a new employee. One thing we would like the IS Clerk to do after she has reviewed the info is to be able to click a button and have it create our user with email box.
I have the code tweaked to create the User, assign info/pwd, and add to groups. I am so close to the email part - but coming up with Obj doesn't exist in LDAP. HELP!
I am posting entire code - Create Mailbox is at end. Thanks in advance!!!
I have the code tweaked to create the User, assign info/pwd, and add to groups. I am so close to the email part - but coming up with Obj doesn't exist in LDAP. HELP!
I am posting entire code - Create Mailbox is at end. Thanks in advance!!!
Public Function CreateAdAccount(sPassword, sFirstName, sLastName, sGroupName) As Boolean
CreateAdAccount = True
Dim oMailbox As CDOEXM.IMailboxStore
Dim oUser As IADsUser
Set RootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
DomainContainer = RootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
Set oOU = GetObject("LDAP://CN=Users;DC=pbmhmr,DC=com")
ID = DLookup("StaffID", "NewStaffRequests", "ID = " & myRec)
gname = Trim(sFirstName)
sname = Trim(sLastName)
FullName = gname & " " & sname
Alias = LCase(Left(gname, 1) & sname)
' Test for existing alias name
'Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'conn.Provider = "ADSDSOObject"
'conn.Open "ADs Provider"
' ldapStr = ";(&(objectCategory=user)(mailNickname=" & Alias & "));adspath;subtree"
'ldapStr = ";(&(objectCategory=user)(mail=" & Alias & "));adspath;subtree"
'Set rs = conn.Execute(ldapStr)
'MsgBox "Matching Names Count = " & Str(rs.RecordCount)
'If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
'MsgBox "User email alias already exists!"
'End If
' Update User Record
Set oUser = oOU.Create("user", "cn=" & FullName)
oUser.Put "cn", FullName
oUser.Put "SamAccountName", FullName
oUser.Put "userPrincipalName", FullName & "@pbcc.com"
oUser.Put "givenName", gname
oUser.Put "sn", sname
oUser.Put "mail", Alias & "@pbcc.com"
oUser.Put "description", ID
oUser.Put "ScriptPath", "Wlogic.bat"
' Enable Account
oUser.AccountDisabled = False
' Set Pwd to be same as 123456
oUser.SetPassword (sPassword)
'Account is not disabled
oUser.AccountDisabled = False
' User must change password at next Logon
oUser.Put "pwdLastSet", CLng(0)
' Add the user to a group
Dim index As Integer
Dim sEachGroup As String
Do While Len(sGroupName) > 0
'End of list - can't have a string going from 1 to 0
If InStr(sGroupName, ",") <> 0 Then
index = InStr(sGroupName, ",")
index = 50
End If
sEachGroup = Mid(sGroupName, 1, index - 1)
MsgBox (sEachGroup)
StrobjGroup1 = "LDAP://cn=" & sEachGroup & ",cn=Users,DC=pbmhmr,DC=com"
Set objGroup1 = GetObject(StrobjGroup1)
objGroup1.Add (oUser.ADsPath)
sGroupName = Mid(sGroupName, index + 1)
' Create Mailbox
Set oMailbox = oUser
MDBName = "Mailbox Store (EXCH_CENTER)"
StorageGroup = "First Storage Group"
Server = "EXCH_CENTER"
AdminGroup = "First Administrative Group"
Organization = "PBCC (Exchange)"
DomainDN = "DC=pbcc,DC=com"
oMailbox.CreateMailbox "LDAP://CN=Mailboxes,CN=" & MDBName & _
",CN=" & StorageGroup & _
",CN=" & Server & _
",CN=Servers" & _
",CN=" & AdminGroup & _
",CN=Administrative Groups" & _
",CN=" & Organization & _
"," & DomainDN
'",CN=InformationStore" & _
'",CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services" & _
' Cleanup
Set oUser = Nothing
End Function