I thought that I had figured out how to use BCP to create an XML file from a query in SQL 2005. Apparently, I was wrong. Now that I've added some additional code to better control the XML structure, it doesn't work.
When I run the following query (part of a much larger query)...
... an empty file is created and I get this message in the results window:
What am I doing wrong? Is there something else I should be using instead of BCP?
Additional information: The query will probably be used as a stored procedure and run via an automated task.
When I run the following query (part of a much larger query)...
use databasename
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Enable xp_cmdshell
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Allow advanced options to be changed.
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
-- Update the currently configured value for advanced options.
-- Enable xp_cmdshell
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
-- Update the currently configured value for xp_cmdshell
-- Disallow further advanced options to be changed.
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0
-- Update the currently configured value for advanced options.
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Sample export via bcp
-- --------------------------------------------------------
SELECT @FileName = 'C:\SampleXMLOutput.xml'
SELECT @SQLCmd = 'bcp "' +
'declare' +
' @count as int,' +
' @invoicetype as nvarchar(10),' +
' @prefix as nvarchar(5),' +
' @str as nvarchar(max),' +
' @combinedtaxrate as decimal(8,5),' +
' @taxexemptflag as nvarchar(10),' +
' @taxlocationstate as nvarchar(5),' +
' @totallineprice as decimal(8,5),' +
' @xmloutput as xml,' +
' @arparms_Uf_ARParmsContactName as nvarchar(75),' +
' @arparms_Uf_ARParmsContactEmail as nvarchar(75),' +
' @hdr_invoicenum as nvarchar(12),' +
' @hdr_invoicedate as datetime,' +
' @parms_company as nvarchar(60),' +
' @parms_addr##1 as nvarchar(50),' +
' @parms_addr##2 as nvarchar(50),' +
' @parms_city as nvarchar(30),' +
' @parms_state as nvarchar(5),' +
' @parms_zip as nvarchar(10),' +
' @parms_country as nvarchar(30),' +
' @parms_phone as nvarchar(25),' +
' @parms_Uf_ParmsDUNS as nvarchar(9)' +
' select' +
' @hdr_invoicenum = '' 892872''' +
' select' +
' @hdr_invoicedate = inv_date' +
' from databasename.dbo.inv_hdr' +
' where inv_hdr.inv_num = @hdr_invoicenum' +
' select' +
' @parms_company = company,' +
' @parms_addr##1 = addr##1,' +
' @parms_addr##2 = addr##2,' +
' @parms_city = city,' +
' @parms_state = state,' +
' @parms_zip = zip,' +
' @parms_country = country,' +
' @parms_phone = phone,' +
' @parms_Uf_ParmsDUNS = Uf_ParmsDUNS' +
' from databasename.dbo.parms' +
' select' +
' @arparms_Uf_ARParmsContactName = Uf_ARParmsContactName,' +
' @arparms_Uf_ARParmsContactEmail = Uf_ARParmsContactEmail' +
' from databasename.dbo.arparms' +
' set @prefix = ''pidx:''' +
' set @xmloutput = (' +
' select' +
' (select' +
' ltrim(@hdr_invoicenum) as ''RP_Invoicenumber'',' +
' convert(varchar(8),@hdr_invoicedate,112) as ''RP_InvoiceDate'',' +
' (select' +
' ''Vendor'' as ''RP_PartnerInformation/@partnerRoleIndicator'',' +
' ''VendorDUNS'' as ''RP_PartnerInformation/RP_PartnerIdentifier/@partnerIdentifierIndicator'',' +
' '''' as ''RP_PartnerInformation/RP_PartnerIdentifier'',' +
' @parms_Uf_ParmsDUNS as ''RP_PartnerInformation/RP_PartnerIdentifier'',' +
' @parms_company as ''RP_PartnerInformation/RP_PartnerName'',' +
' @parms_addr##2 as ''RP_PartnerInformation/RP_AddressInformation/RP_StreetName'',' +
' @parms_city as ''RP_PartnerInformation/RP_AddressInformation/RP_CityName'',' +
' @parms_state as ''RP_PartnerInformation/RP_AddressInformation/RP_StateProvince'',' +
' @parms_zip as ''RP_PartnerInformation/RP_AddressInformation/RP_PostalCode'',' +
' @parms_country as ''RP_PartnerInformation/RP_AddressInformation/RP_PostalCountry/RP_CountryCode'',' +
' @arparms_Uf_ARParmsContactName as ''RP_PartnerInformation/RP_ContactInformation/RP_ContactName'',' +
' @parms_phone as ''RP_PartnerInformation/RP_ContactInformation/RP_Telephone/RP_PhoneNumber'',' +
' @arparms_Uf_ARParmsContactEmail as ''RP_PartnerInformation/RP_ContactInformation/RP_EmailAddress''' +
' for xml path(''''),type)' +
' for xml path(''''),type) as ''RP_InvoiceProperties''' +
' for xml raw(''''),elements)' +
' select @str = cast(@xmloutput as nvarchar(max))' +
' select cast(''<pidx:Invoice transactionPurposeIndicator="Original" version="1.0" xmlns:pidx="[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.api.org/pidXML/v1.0">''[/URL] + replace(@str, ''RP_'', @prefix) + ''</pidx:Invoice>'' as xml)' +
'" queryout ' + @FileName +' -c -T -SServername'
-- display command, for visual check
SELECT @SQLCmd AS 'Command to execute'
-- create the XML file
EXECUTE master..xp_cmdshell @SQLCmd
... an empty file is created and I get this message in the results window:
SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Host-file columns may be skipped only when copying into the Server
What am I doing wrong? Is there something else I should be using instead of BCP?
Additional information: The query will probably be used as a stored procedure and run via an automated task.