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Creating an intranet on a W2K server

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Feb 12, 2002
I have searched all the existing posts and followed the instructions on setting up an intranet site on a W2K server using IIS and cannot view the web page using the IP address I assigned to it. I have even used the port number in the address eg. to no avail. I keep getting "The page cannot be displayed" error. I am running AD with XP Pro workstations. My boss is really on my back to get this done so if anyone could please help I would really appreciate it.


I am in the same position as yourself. Sorry I cannot help directly but I know Small Busines Server comes with an inbuilt Intranet. I will be keen to follow this link as I hope it will also solve my problem.

Good morning.

Did you create a virtual directory in IIS?


"ZOINKS !!!!!"


Good Day Now

We just went through this problem here and here is how we fixed it.

When we could not bring up the website using localhost locally on the machine (server) we found that certain DLLs were currupted and had to do a reinstall of IIS.

Once that was done we probe security and found that we security permissions was the main problem. so we set it to a user on the local machine and localhost worked -

So now we are checking security permissions with anomious unchecked and also are DNS settings.

Ok security is set and since the DNS is inside the IP address will not work but if I put in the server name/website then it works.


"ZOINKS !!!!!"


Still has not helped. It must be the Sonicwall firewall that is blocking it even though I can't view localhost on the server itself
The firewall should have nothing to do with it as long as your firewall is between the outside world and your network..

Make sure you have a index.htm or a default.htm in the root dir. I have seen that simple mistake correct this problem.

Are you sure you IIS configured properly for annomous access... I have an intranet running in my office for over 5 years with no problems..

I created a website in Frontpage and selected index.html as the default startup page. IIS is running and the website has been started. Cannot see from the server, which is where the site is located. It is setup for anonymous access! I've hit a roadblock. I had an intranet running at a previous job, with no problems, for almost 5 years myself..
let's drop down to basics.

In IIS do you have more than one web site?
Is your web site started? (different than IIS started)

On the security tab, you say you have Anonymous access allowed. What other settigns are checked there? What account is being used for Anonymous? Did you try resetting the password for that user?

Have you verified the NTFS permissions for where the site is housed? Does the Home Directory in the site properties match where you have the files stored?

On the documents tab, did you move your index.html file to the top? Are you certain of the file name? FrontPage defaults to index.htm.

I hope you find this post helpful. Please let me know if it was.


There is more than website in IIS. The website is started. IUSR_DOMAINNAME is the user name being used for anonymous access. The password for that user has been reset. The NTFS permissions have been verified as Read for EVERYONE. The HOME Directory in the site properties match where the file is stored. Index.html is the only file listed under the document tab. I am certain of the filename.
I would try to install remove IIS
Install SP4 (if you already have sp 4 then reinsall it)
Reinstall IIS

Try to access the default site after install
OK, so if you have more than one website are you using host headers?

I hope you find this post helpful. Please let me know if it was.


Just a thought but ....are your users using a webcache to access the intranet/internet? If so then you'll have to add the IP address of the IIS server to these (or set it to bypass the proxy server) in the LAN settings of the connections tab of their web browser.
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