Hey all,
I am trying to make a page, that submits a form to itself.
In the form is 1 text feild with a default value of "Sample".
The next field is a select box with their choice of a few fonts.
Under the form... is the image of the text in the "sample" field.
When I load the page, it works fine for maybe 3 or 4 submits, then it won't switch the font or text and therefore doesn't update the image properly.
I have to do a page refresh to get it working again.
Is it the browser cache ? can I get around that somehow ?
here is my code.
<cfdump var="#form#" />
<cfparam name="font_choice" default="" />
<cfparam name="url.action" default="" />
<!--- this is for when we start setting up for more than 1 package. right now it's set to 1 --->
<cfparam name="card_package_number" default="1" />
<cfparam name="form.text" default="Sample" />
<cfparam name="form.font_choice" default="KidScraw" />
<cfset fontstouse = "evilgeniusbb_reg,absci___,later_on,KidScraw,Georgia,Gigi" />
<cfparam name="myString" default="#form.text#"/>
<!--- form that submits and creates the new text in a new image --->
<form action="text.cfm?#session.URLToken#" name="card_text" method="post" >
<textarea cols="10" rows="2" name="text" style="text-align:center; width:100px; height:40px;">#form.text#</textarea>
<select name="font_choice">
<cfloop index="x" list="#fontstouse#">
<option name="font" value="#x#" <cfif form.font_choice eq x>Selected</cfif>>#x#</option>
</select><br />
<input type="submit" />
<!--- create the object --->
<cfset myImage = CreateObject("Component","#myCFC#") />
<cfset myImage.setKey("#mySerial#") />
<!--- create some colors
<cfset color = myImage.createColor(R,G,B) />
<cfset bgColor = myImage.createColor(255,255,255) />
<cfset fontColor = myImage.createColor(0,0,0) />
<!--- create fonts --->
<cfset font1 = myImage.loadTTFFile("D:\inetpub\myweeworld\includes\fonts\#form.font_choice#.ttf", 32) />
<cfset fontArray = myImage.getSystemFonts() />
<!--- create a new image --->
<cfset myImage.setBackgroundColor(bgColor) />
<!--- create an advanced string --->
<cfset advancedString = myImage.createString(myString) />
<!--- set some font and size settings --->
<cfset myImage.setStringFont(advancedString, Font1) />
<!--- set some font colors --->
<cfset myImage.setStringForeground(advancedString, fontColor) />
<!--- get the string's metrics --->
<cfset metrics = myImage.getStringMetrics(advancedString) >
<!--- create an image the width and height of the text --->
<cfset myImage.createImage(metrics.width+5, metrics.height+15) />
<!--- <cfdump var="#fontArray#" /> --->
<!--- <cfdump var="#metrics#" /> --->
<!--- draw the text into the image --->
<cfset myImage.drawString(advancedString, 0, #metrics.height#) />
<!--- output the new image --->
<cfset myImage.writeImage("D:\inetpub\myweeworld\card_creator\users\#session.username#\#card_package_number#\text_images\text.png", "png") />
<!--- Sending image to DIV --->
parent.document.getElementById("undercard").innerHTML='<img src="#url_path#card_creator/users/#session.username#/#card_package_number#/text_images/text.png" />';
<img src="#url_path#card_creator/users/#session.username#/#card_package_number#/text_images/text.png" />
<cfdump var="#form#" />
Thanks for any ideas !
I am trying to make a page, that submits a form to itself.
In the form is 1 text feild with a default value of "Sample".
The next field is a select box with their choice of a few fonts.
Under the form... is the image of the text in the "sample" field.
When I load the page, it works fine for maybe 3 or 4 submits, then it won't switch the font or text and therefore doesn't update the image properly.
I have to do a page refresh to get it working again.
Is it the browser cache ? can I get around that somehow ?
here is my code.
<cfdump var="#form#" />
<cfparam name="font_choice" default="" />
<cfparam name="url.action" default="" />
<!--- this is for when we start setting up for more than 1 package. right now it's set to 1 --->
<cfparam name="card_package_number" default="1" />
<cfparam name="form.text" default="Sample" />
<cfparam name="form.font_choice" default="KidScraw" />
<cfset fontstouse = "evilgeniusbb_reg,absci___,later_on,KidScraw,Georgia,Gigi" />
<cfparam name="myString" default="#form.text#"/>
<!--- form that submits and creates the new text in a new image --->
<form action="text.cfm?#session.URLToken#" name="card_text" method="post" >
<textarea cols="10" rows="2" name="text" style="text-align:center; width:100px; height:40px;">#form.text#</textarea>
<select name="font_choice">
<cfloop index="x" list="#fontstouse#">
<option name="font" value="#x#" <cfif form.font_choice eq x>Selected</cfif>>#x#</option>
</select><br />
<input type="submit" />
<!--- create the object --->
<cfset myImage = CreateObject("Component","#myCFC#") />
<cfset myImage.setKey("#mySerial#") />
<!--- create some colors
<cfset color = myImage.createColor(R,G,B) />
<cfset bgColor = myImage.createColor(255,255,255) />
<cfset fontColor = myImage.createColor(0,0,0) />
<!--- create fonts --->
<cfset font1 = myImage.loadTTFFile("D:\inetpub\myweeworld\includes\fonts\#form.font_choice#.ttf", 32) />
<cfset fontArray = myImage.getSystemFonts() />
<!--- create a new image --->
<cfset myImage.setBackgroundColor(bgColor) />
<!--- create an advanced string --->
<cfset advancedString = myImage.createString(myString) />
<!--- set some font and size settings --->
<cfset myImage.setStringFont(advancedString, Font1) />
<!--- set some font colors --->
<cfset myImage.setStringForeground(advancedString, fontColor) />
<!--- get the string's metrics --->
<cfset metrics = myImage.getStringMetrics(advancedString) >
<!--- create an image the width and height of the text --->
<cfset myImage.createImage(metrics.width+5, metrics.height+15) />
<!--- <cfdump var="#fontArray#" /> --->
<!--- <cfdump var="#metrics#" /> --->
<!--- draw the text into the image --->
<cfset myImage.drawString(advancedString, 0, #metrics.height#) />
<!--- output the new image --->
<cfset myImage.writeImage("D:\inetpub\myweeworld\card_creator\users\#session.username#\#card_package_number#\text_images\text.png", "png") />
<!--- Sending image to DIV --->
parent.document.getElementById("undercard").innerHTML='<img src="#url_path#card_creator/users/#session.username#/#card_package_number#/text_images/text.png" />';
<img src="#url_path#card_creator/users/#session.username#/#card_package_number#/text_images/text.png" />
<cfdump var="#form#" />
Thanks for any ideas !