I've seen it done many times, where if you want to give someone a simple URL to take them to specific page of a person or band.
at the moment I'm creating a folder in the default directory called Johndoe. Now inside that folder I've got a redirect script as follows -
response.redirect "%>
I name this file default.asp and put it in the johndoe folder.
This should in theory redirect the user to that script, but when your coming fresh to that url it redirects to the default page of the site.
does anyone have any other methods or ideas.
Many thanks,
the boho from soho
I've seen it done many times, where if you want to give someone a simple URL to take them to specific page of a person or band.
at the moment I'm creating a folder in the default directory called Johndoe. Now inside that folder I've got a redirect script as follows -
response.redirect "%>
I name this file default.asp and put it in the johndoe folder.
This should in theory redirect the user to that script, but when your coming fresh to that url it redirects to the default page of the site.
does anyone have any other methods or ideas.
Many thanks,
the boho from soho