I need to create an html table that conatains the data from 2 loops. The first column is the questions from the database and the second column is the answers to those relative questions. As the are 1-n questions, it can't be hardcoded.
Problem is I either get the questions 10 times over to every answer(that's how many there are in this case) or I get the answers 10 times over to every question.
and the confirmation page with the answers relevant to the questions in the table...
Reality is built on a foundation of dreams.
Problem is I either get the questions 10 times over to every answer(that's how many there are in this case) or I get the answers 10 times over to every question.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tr align="center">
<td valign="top"><div align="center"><img src="images/logo_order.gif" alt="Order Page"></div></td>
//this is where you select the songs details via the song id
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM song where song_id = $song");
// go through each row in the result set and display data from the song table
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
// give a name to the fields
$questions = $row['song_questions'];
$song_cat = $row['song_category_id'];
$song_name = $row['song_title'];
//we explode the data that is kept in the blob file into a series of seperate arrays
$quest = explode(",", $questions);
//This is to see the category of the song
$sql3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category where category_id = '$song_cat'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql3)) {
// give a name to the fields
$category = $row['category_title'];
print "<center><span class=\"lightbluebig\">Welcome to our Shopping Cart</span><p>
<span class=\"font10\">You have chosen the following song:</span><br>
<font class=\"redbig\"><b>$category - $song_name</b></font><br>
<span class=\"font10\">To purchase this item<br>
Please enter the following information:<br></span><p>
<form method=\"post\" action=\"checkoutb.php\"><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"10\">
<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$song\" name=\"songid\">
//we determine starting row colour here
$row_col = 1;
$questname = 1;
//we loop through the seperate arrays and perform the following sql statement
foreach($quest as $quest2){
//sql statement selects all the fields from the question table where the question id equals the seperate arrays
$sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM question where question_id=$quest2");
//executes the sql2 statement
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($sql2)) {
// give a name to the fields
$_SESSION[quest3] = $row2['question_question'];
$quest4 = $row2['question_type'];
$quest5 = $row2['question_selections'];
$_SESSION[questamount] = count($row2);
//this is where we alternate row colours
if ($row_col == 1){
$color = ffffff;
$row_col = 2;
}elseif ($row_col == 2){
$color = eeeeee;
$row_col = 1;
// Build your formatted results here.
echo" <tr bgcolor=\"$color\"><td width=\"250\" class=\"font11\">$_SESSION[quest3]</td>";
if ($quest4 == 0){
print "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"question[$questname]\"></td>";
}elseif ($quest4 == 1){
$select = explode(",", $quest5);
print "<td><select name=\"question[$questname]\">";
foreach($select as $select2){
echo" <option value=\"$select2\">$select2</option>
print "</select></td>";
}elseif ($quest4 == 2){
print "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"question[$questname]\"></td>";
print "</tr>
print "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"Submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Proceed\"></table></form></center><br>";
and the confirmation page with the answers relevant to the questions in the table...
//this is where you select the songs details via the song id
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM song where song_id = '$_POST[songid]'");
// go through each row in the result set and display data from the song table
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
// give a name to the fields
$questions = $row['song_questions'];
$song_cat = $row['song_category_id'];
$song_name = $row['song_title'];
//we explode the data that is kept in the blob file into a series of seperate arrays
$quest = explode(",", $questions);
//This is to see the category of the song
$sql3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category where category_id = '$song_cat'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql3)) {
// give a name to the fields
$category = $row['category_title'];
print "<center><span class=\"lightbluebig\">Welcome to our Shopping Cart</span><p>
<span class=\"font10\">You have chosen the following song:</span><br>
<font class=\"redbig\"><b>$category - $song_name</b></font><br>
<span class=\"font10\">To purchase this item<br>
Please enter the following information:<br></span><p>
<form method=\"post\" action=\"checkoutb.php\"><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"10\">
<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$song\" name=\"songid\">
//we determine starting row colour here
$row_col = 1;
$questname = 1;
//we loop through the seperate arrays and perform the following sql statement
foreach($_POST[question] as $value){
$confirm = "<td>$value</td></tr>";
foreach($quest as $quest2){
//sql statement selects all the fields from the question table where the question id equals the seperate arrays
$sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM question where question_id=$quest2");
//executes the sql2 statement
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($sql2)) {
// give a name to the fields
$_SESSION[quest3] = $row2['question_question'];
$quest4 = $row2['question_type'];
$quest5 = $row2['question_selections'];
$_SESSION[questamount] = count($row2);
//this is where we alternate row colours
if ($row_col == 1){
$color = ffffff;
$row_col = 2;
}elseif ($row_col == 2){
$color = eeeeee;
$row_col = 1;
// Build your formatted results here.
echo" <tr bgcolor=\"$color\"><td width=\"250\" class=\"font11\">$_SESSION[quest3]</td>$confirm";
print "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"Submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Proceed\"></table></form></center><br>";
Reality is built on a foundation of dreams.