I'm working on setting up a corporate software that I would like to include a calculator for our pricing guide. This pricing guide will have atleast 3 dimensions (maybe 4). EX:
What Material, How Thick, How tall, Painted/Unpainted(yes/no).
This pricing guide breaks down in this order:
material, thickness, paint, height... from that information, you can get a final price on an indevidual product.
I'm wondering if there is a function for using that many dimensions to call a single number that has no mathmatic properties (ie. =((thickness)x(height))/(painted), and does anyone have any thought as to how to layout a table(s) of this nature.
What Material, How Thick, How tall, Painted/Unpainted(yes/no).
This pricing guide breaks down in this order:
material, thickness, paint, height... from that information, you can get a final price on an indevidual product.
I'm wondering if there is a function for using that many dimensions to call a single number that has no mathmatic properties (ie. =((thickness)x(height))/(painted), and does anyone have any thought as to how to layout a table(s) of this nature.