Good Afternoon,
I've returned to a problem I was working on a few weeks ago. I attempted to use the suggestion Golom provided to me in the thread701-1232254. However, the number of characters exceeds 6000 in some of the fields. The query takes approximately 25 minutes to run - and I can't do anything with the data afterward - as soon as I touch the query window it starts to access the records and my CPU utilization hits 100% and never comes back down. I tried turning it into a Make Table query and it was still running 2 hours later...
So, I looked for a VBA solution and found it in thread707-923268. I've made some modifications to the code, but now I'm getting a type mismatch error.
The error is showing up in the first
The delimiter is #; I don't know if that is causing the problem or not... I appreciate any assistance you can offer.
I've returned to a problem I was working on a few weeks ago. I attempted to use the suggestion Golom provided to me in the thread701-1232254. However, the number of characters exceeds 6000 in some of the fields. The query takes approximately 25 minutes to run - and I can't do anything with the data afterward - as soon as I touch the query window it starts to access the records and my CPU utilization hits 100% and never comes back down. I tried turning it into a Make Table query and it was still running 2 hours later...
So, I looked for a VBA solution and found it in thread707-923268. I've made some modifications to the code, but now I'm getting a type mismatch error.
'modified code from RoyVidar [URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
Sub ParseServerValue()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSql As String
Dim arr() As String
Dim lngCounter As Long
Set rs = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("tblServerBackendExt", , adCmdTable)
Do While Not rs.EOF
If InStr(rs.Fields("StationID"), "#;") > 0 Then
arr = Split(rs.Fields("StationID").Value, "#;")
For lngCounter = 0 To UBound(arr)
strSql = "insert into tblServerBackendExtParsed (Node, [StationID]) " & _
"values ('" & rs.Fields("Node").Value & "','" & _
arr(lngCounter) & "',#" & _
Next lngCounter
strSql = "insert into tblQfinitiBackendExtParsed (Node, [StationID]) " & _
"values ('" & rs.Fields("Node").Value & "','" & _
rs.Fields("StationID").Value & "',#" & _
End If
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub
The error is showing up in the first
The delimiter is #; I don't know if that is causing the problem or not... I appreciate any assistance you can offer.