I am trying to add a GUI to run a few scripts from. I have decided to use HTA. I am not very familiar with HTA, and I'm getting better as VBScript. Here is the HTA code I have so far...
I am receeiving an error when launching the "WorkLog" button. The error is:
Line: 50
Char: 5
Error: Could not complete the operation due to error 80005000.
Line 50 is: Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser)
Character 5 is the "s"
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
<title>Employee Separations</title>
APPLICATIONNAME="Employee Separations"
<script language="VBScript">
Sub GetWorkLog_excel
'Option Explicit
'on error resume next
'Dim objGroup, objuser, objExcel, iRow, strUser, iCol
'dim strExcelPath, objApp, strGroupName
'Dim StrDay, StrYear, StrMonth
StrMonth = Month(Date)
strYear = Right(Year(Date),2)
StrDay = Day(Date)
strExcelPath = "uncpath" & StrMonth & StrDay & StrYear & "_" & "work_Log" & ".xls"
set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
' Create a new workbook.
' Bind to worksheet.
Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
objSheet.Name = "Work_Log"
' Populate spreadsheet cells with user attributes.
Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://CN=GG_ES_ACCT_ADMIN,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=com")
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With objExcel
.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1
.Visible = false
For Each strUser in objGroup.Member
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser)
.Cells(irow,1) = ("User Name: " & objUser.CN)
.Cells(irow,3) = ("Role ID: " & objUser.sAMAccountName)
.Cells(irow,5) = ("Object(s): " & objUser.distinguishedName)
.Cells(irow,7) = ("Home Drive: " & objUser.homeDirectory)
.Cells(irow,9) = ("Mailbox Store: " & objUser.homeMDB)
.Cells(irow,11) = ("ALIAS: " & objuser.mailNickname)
' .Cells(irow,13) = ("Email Address(es): " & Join(objUser.proxyAddresses))
' .Cells(irow,15) = ("Groups: " & Join(objUser.memberof))
irow=irow + 1
End With
' Save the spreadsheet, close the workbook and exit.
objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strExcelPath
'WScript.Echo "Spreadsheet Created"
'Set objApp = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'objApp.Run "cmd /C net use n: uncpath& n: & EnumerateMembers"
End Sub
Sub GetEnumerateMembers
strExcelPath = "uncpath"
set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
' Create a new workbook.
' Bind to worksheet.
Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
objSheet.Name = "Separations"
' Populate spreadsheet cells with user attributes.
Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://CN=GG_ES_ACCT_ADMIN,OU=Groups,OU=KBS,DC=Domain,DC=com")
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With objExcel
.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1
.Visible = false
For Each strUser in objGroup.Member
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser)
.Cells(iRow,1) = objUser.CN
.Cells(iRow,2) = objUser.sAMAccountName
.Cells(iRow,3) = objUser.displayName
.Cells(iRow,4) = objUser.Name
.Cells(iRow,5) = objUser.distinguishedName
.Cells(iRow,6) = objUser.mail
.Cells(iRow,7) = objUser.extensionAttribute5
.cells(iRow,8) = objuser.userPrincipalName
.Cells(iRow,9) = objUser.GivenName
.cells(iRow,10) =
.cells(iRow,11) = objuser.Getex("proxyAddresses")
.cells(iRow,12) = Strdate
irow=irow + 1
End With
' Save the spreadsheet, close the workbook and exit.
objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strExcelPath
'WScript.Echo "Spreadsheet Created"
Set objApp = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
End Sub
<BODY bgColor=#cccccc>
<H><Center><B><BIG> KBS Employee Separations</BIG></B></Center></H>
<P><B>Step One: Create The Work Log </B><BR><BR>
<b>This will create an excel file and pull in the following information: <BR>
OBJECT(s):</b><I> (Active Directory’s DistinguishedName for each user” </i><BR>
<b>HOME DRIVE:</b><I>(Users home directory in Active Directory) </i><BR>
<B>MAILBOX STORE:</b><I> (User’s complete mailbox location and store)</i><BR>
<B>ALIAS: </b><I>(Users Email Alias)</i><BR>
<B>Global Groups:</b><I> (All global groups listed on the users account)</i><BR><BR></p>
<input type="button" value="WorkLog" name="run_button" onClick="GetWorkLog_excel">
<p><B>Step Two: Process The Accounts </B><BR><BR>
<B>This will modify the accounts in Active Directory. </B><BR>
<B>It will do the following:</B><BR>
<B>1. Change the Account ID by adding a “1” in front of the existing ID. </B><BR>
<I> i.e. SMITH32H will be changed to 1SMITH32H </I><BR>
<B>2. Add the current date in front of the Display Name.</B><BR>
<I> i.e. Harrold Smith will be changed to 08/10/07 Harrold Smith</I><BR>
<B>3. Add “EXEMPT” to custom attribute 5</B><BR>
<B>4. Resets the users password</B><BR>
<B>5. Hide the user from the GAL</B><BR>
<B>6. Add mail restrictions and set to only receive from “*DL Email Team</B><BR>
<B>7. Add to the GG_KBS_ES group. </B><BR>
<B>8. Remove from PROXY_USERS, VPN, and SEAM global groups if found on the account.</B><BR></p>
<B>Date:</B> <input type="text" id="strdate" value=""><BR>
<input type="button" value="Modify Accounts" name="run_button" onClick="GetEnumerateMembers">
I am receeiving an error when launching the "WorkLog" button. The error is:
Line: 50
Char: 5
Error: Could not complete the operation due to error 80005000.
Line 50 is: Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser)
Character 5 is the "s"
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!