I created a graph, which in my opinion is the long way around, by joining a bunch of lable boxes together.
Currently, I have five rows each with of 30 lable boxes displayed on the screen. All of these rows creates my table.
The current table I have associated with a month (Jan).
However, with what I'm doing, if I have to reference a different month (Feb) for instance, I really don't have an
easy way to do this.
I thought if there is a way to create a grid (either like I created above or a better way), where each box (or label)
could be assigned say (0,1)(0,2)(0,3) etc, Then the first number would represent the "table" and the second number would represent the cell.
E.G. (0,1)=Jan cell 1
(0,2)=Jan cell 2
(1,1)=Feb cell 1
Is something like this possible? I'm currently trying to find out information about the VB Grid control.
Thanks. :
Currently, I have five rows each with of 30 lable boxes displayed on the screen. All of these rows creates my table.
The current table I have associated with a month (Jan).
However, with what I'm doing, if I have to reference a different month (Feb) for instance, I really don't have an
easy way to do this.
I thought if there is a way to create a grid (either like I created above or a better way), where each box (or label)
could be assigned say (0,1)(0,2)(0,3) etc, Then the first number would represent the "table" and the second number would represent the cell.
E.G. (0,1)=Jan cell 1
(0,2)=Jan cell 2
(1,1)=Feb cell 1
Is something like this possible? I'm currently trying to find out information about the VB Grid control.
Thanks. :