I have very limited webpage experience (just the basics of Frontpage 2000). The company I work for wants to create a login section on our webpage where our customers can login to view product specifications. There will probably be a hundred or so individual product pages, all of which being very basic with little to no graphics. We (actually I) will assign customers a username and password. The specifications won't be for everyone to see, however, it's not critical enough that I'd be concerned about someone hacking in and viewing it. That being said, I'd still like to know if there are varying levels of secure login types, or if it is a rather generic thing (because I'd opt for a more secure form of login).
What does it take to have a logon prompt on a webpage? This will determine whether I have enough time or skills to bother trying myself or to outsource it.
I have very limited webpage experience (just the basics of Frontpage 2000). The company I work for wants to create a login section on our webpage where our customers can login to view product specifications. There will probably be a hundred or so individual product pages, all of which being very basic with little to no graphics. We (actually I) will assign customers a username and password. The specifications won't be for everyone to see, however, it's not critical enough that I'd be concerned about someone hacking in and viewing it. That being said, I'd still like to know if there are varying levels of secure login types, or if it is a rather generic thing (because I'd opt for a more secure form of login).
What does it take to have a logon prompt on a webpage? This will determine whether I have enough time or skills to bother trying myself or to outsource it.