Hi There
I am new to Excel/VBA world. I have a job to do which is described below:
I have to take a excel spreadsheet and convert it into a specially created CSV file format that can be used with the PLC. The excel spreadsheet info is below:
The excel spreadsheet will contain the informatoin about all the points (user will be filling it manually) for example
COL A (description) "Water Level High"
COL B (Identifier, user selectable, 1 for DI, 2 for DO etc) in the above example it will be DI (which is 1)
COL C (Description) "This is water level high high"
There should be a button which will run the code on the back that will not only create a csv file in the following format (coloumns), but also will take the above information and fill the newly created csv file:
For example, in the above example "Water Level high" will go to the "NAME" column of the CSV file, the identifier "DI" will become the "DATATYPE" in the csv file and the description column will go to the "Description"field in csv file. "Type" and "SCOPE" fields will be hard coded based on the identifier selected. If you guys can give me some example code or a kind of headsatrt it will be of great help. Thanks in advance
I am new to Excel/VBA world. I have a job to do which is described below:
I have to take a excel spreadsheet and convert it into a specially created CSV file format that can be used with the PLC. The excel spreadsheet info is below:
The excel spreadsheet will contain the informatoin about all the points (user will be filling it manually) for example
COL A (description) "Water Level High"
COL B (Identifier, user selectable, 1 for DI, 2 for DO etc) in the above example it will be DI (which is 1)
COL C (Description) "This is water level high high"
There should be a button which will run the code on the back that will not only create a csv file in the following format (coloumns), but also will take the above information and fill the newly created csv file:
For example, in the above example "Water Level high" will go to the "NAME" column of the CSV file, the identifier "DI" will become the "DATATYPE" in the csv file and the description column will go to the "Description"field in csv file. "Type" and "SCOPE" fields will be hard coded based on the identifier selected. If you guys can give me some example code or a kind of headsatrt it will be of great help. Thanks in advance