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Creating a comma-delimited list of values from combo-boxes

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Technical User
Nov 17, 2000
This is probably going to be a long post, but I'm going to go ahead and explain where I am at anyways. I've got a form with a series of combo boxes that represent word fragments. The word fragments are configurable and put together with other fragments that do not change, creates a message. For instance, "ATTENTION PASSENGERS – A CHILD ABDUCTION HAS OCCURRED AND THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE POLICE NEED YOUR HELP. ANYONE SEEING A [NUMBERS] YR OLD [CHILD'S SKIN COLOR] [CHILD'S GENDER] CHILD [CHILD'S PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION] TRAVELING WITH [SUSPECT'S PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION] PLEASE CALL 911 OR NOTIFY THE NEAREST MBTA EMPLOYEE. YOUR COOPERATION MAY HELP SAVE A CHILD’S LIFE. THANK YOU."
The word fragments in "[ ]" are configurable by selecting a value in a drop-down box. However, in this example, the last two word fragments are created by a combo-box. The combo box has selectable values and a space to type in a value. I have javascript code attached to some of the events of the combo-box and would like to create a comma-delimited list of values that have been entered in more than one combo-box. For example, "3 YR OLD WHITE BOY WITH BROWN HAIR,30 YR OLD WHITE MALE BROWN HAIR,", is a comma-delimited list of the values that would be entered into the two combo boxes in the above message example. The code below is the portion of the *.asp file that I am working with.
<DIV id="Complete" STYLE="display: <%if tab <> "Complete" then%> none <% end if%>; width: 1000px; height:500px; border: 2px solid #A58E6B; BORDER-left: 1px solid #EFE7DE; border-top: none;  padding: 10px;">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"  style="padding: 5px; border: none;">
	<tr align="left" valign="top">
		<td width="800">
	        <textarea <% if browser <> "Firefox" then %>cols="87" rows="5"<% else %>cols="82" rows="5"<% end if %>
             name="textmessage1" STYLE="color: white; background: #A58E6B; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:normal; font-size:20; font-family:Arial" READONLY><%=TextMessage%></textarea>
        <td valign="top" align="center" width="150">
			<font size="1" style="font-size: 1pt;">
		        <input type="button" name="UPDATE" value="Update" title="Update Message" onClick="Submit('Update Message');" class="dlgbutton">
		        <input class="dlgbutton" type="button" name="CLEAR" value="Clear" title="Clear Complete Tab" onClick="Submit('Clear Complete Tab');">

		<td colspan="2"class="canvas" valign="top" align="left">
				   ' check for valid browser type and version
				   if browser <> "Firefox" then  
			<div id="tableContainer" class="tableContainer" style="width: 800px; border-bottom: 0px !important;">
				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
				<thead class="fixedHeader">
						<th width="350">Type</th>
						<th width="444">Textual Value</th>				
			<div id="tableContainer" class="tableContainer" style="height: 308px; width: 800px; border-top: 0px !important;"> <!-- 278 -->
				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
					<tbody class="scrollContent">
			<% Else %>
			<div id="tableContainer" class="tableContainer" style="height: 336px; width: 800px;">
				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
					<thead class="fixedHeader">
						<th width="350">Type</th>
						<th width="428">Textual Value</th>
						<th width="8">&nbsp;</th>
					<tbody class="scrollContent" style="height: 309px;"> <!-- 275/251 -->
			<% End If %>			
    Function TakeSelected(count)
    	text = ""
        If (((macroSelected=0) AND (nseltakes = 0)) ) Then
        	tk = "text" & CStr(count+1)
            tk = 0
            text = 0
        ElseIf (((macroSelected=0) AND (ncfgtakes > 0)) ) Then
            tk = "text" & CStr(count+1)
            text = GetVal(tk, 0)
        	If (ncfgtakes > 0 AND nseltakes > 0) Then
                If (count >= 0 and count < ncfgtakes ) Then
                    text = CInt(cfgTakes(count))
                End If
            End If
        End If
        If text = CLng(RS2("TAKE_ID")) then
        	TakeSelected = " selected"  
        End If
    End Function
    Set cn = GetDBConnection()
    Set SQLStmt1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    Set SQLStmt2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    Set RS1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Set RS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
                           "FROM MESSAGE_KINDS_V "                      & _
                           "WHERE MSG_ID = "                            & _
    SQLStmt1.CommandType = 1
    Set SQLStmt1.ActiveConnection = cn
    RS1.Open SQLStmt1
    count = 0
    count1 = 0  'count of amber alert combo boxes
    tkList = ""
    Do While Not RS1.EOF
        <tr class="item" height="28">
            <td width="350" nowrap><%=RS1("DESCRIPTION")%></td>
            <td width="425" nowrap>
    fs = ""
    If (((macroSelected = 0) AND (nseltakes = 0)) ) Then
    	fs = "selected" 
    ElseIf (macroSelected = 0) Then
    	tk = "text" & CStr(count+1)
        if GetVal(tk, 0) = 0 Then
        	fs = "selected"
        end if
    End If
    cbFlag = RS1("CB_FLAG")
        If cbFlag = "N" Then %>
                <select id="text<%=count+1%>" name="text<%=count+1%>" size="1" style="width: 300px;" onChange="OnSelText(this);">
                    <option value="0" <%=fs%>>Select <%=RS1("DESCRIPTION")%>
<%      Else 
            count1 = count1 + 1%>
                <select id="text<%=count+1%>" name="text<%=count+1%>" size="1" style="width: 300px;"
	             onfocus="return combo_focus(this);"
	             onchange="return combo_change(this); OnSelText(this);"
	             onkeydown="return combo_keydown(this, event);"
	             onkeypress="return combo_keypress(this, event);"
	             onkeyup="return combo_keyup(this, event);">
	                <!--Must collect text and store in DB as a TAKE.-->
                    <option value="0" <%=fs%>>Enter <%=RS1("DESCRIPTION")%>
<%      End If
        SQLStmt2.CommandText = "SELECT TAKE_ID, DESCRIPTION "                      & _
                               "FROM MESSAGE_TAKE_KINDS_V "                        & _
                               "WHERE TAKE_KIND_ID = " & CStr(RS1("TAKE_KIND_ID")) & _
                               "ORDER BY TAKE_ID ASC"
        SQLStmt2.CommandType = 1
        Set SQLStmt2.ActiveConnection = cn
        RS2.Open SQLStmt2
            Do While Not RS2.EOF
                    <option value="<%=RS2("TAKE_ID")%>"
				    if mode = "edit" then
					    if CInt(RS2("TAKE_ID")) = CInt(cfgTakes(count)) then
					    end if
				    end if
<%          '
            ' This section may be written in a cleaner fashion in the future
            ' Store empty slot take_id's into tkList from cbo's in comma-delimited fashion
            If cbFlag = "Y" Then
                If RS2("DESCRIPTION") = "Unknown" Then
                    tkList = tkList
                    ' Use this line for testing multiple combo-boxes in an amber alert
                    tkList = tkList & CLng(RS2("TAKE_ID")) & ","
                    ' Use this line for testing one combo-box in an amber alert
                    'tkList = CLng(RS2("TAKE_ID")) 
                End If
            End If
    count = count + 1
    ' This section may be written in a cleaner fashion in the future
    ' Remove trailing "," from tkList
    delim = ""
    delim = Right(tkList,1)
    if (delim = ",") then
        tkList = Left(tkList,Len(tkList)-1)
    end if
    FOR row = count to 14
        <tr class="item" height="28">
            <td width="350">&nbsp;</td>
            <td width="425">&nbsp;</td>
<%  NEXT %>
    Set cn = Nothing
		<input type="hidden" id="ntakes" name="ntakes" value="<%=count%>">
		<input type="hidden" id="aatakes" name="aatakes" value="<%=count1%>">

The following is the code from a website, that I found and incorporated into my website. The combo_focus event is where I was thinking of creating the list. Right now, I am building a list and keep adding to it everytime that I pick a value.

* HTML ComboBox
* Copyright (C)2005 CS Wagner.
* This provides ComboBox functionality for HTML.
* You may use this on as many select elements as you want.
* For each select element, add the following three lines:
*   onfocus='javascript:return combo_focus(this);'
*   onchange='javascript:return combo_focus(this);'
*   onkeydown='javascript:return combo_keydown(this,event);'
*   onkeypress='javascript:return combo_keypress(this,event);'
*   onkeyup='javascript:return combo_keyup(this,event);'
* Also, make sure the first option is empty, as in:
*   <option value=''></option>
* This attempts to capture key presses and alter the value of the
* first option in the select list.  Doing so can be very complicated
* because every web browser seems to process key press events in a
* different way.
* Others have tried this and have hit common problems.  The ones that
* I know of, I have tried to handle:
* Backspace Problem:
*   When you hit backspace, you go to the previous web page.
*   I fixed this by cancelling the default backspace function.
* Auto-Selection of Options:
*   When you type the first letter of an option, the option is
*   selected automatically.
*   I fixed this by cancelling the default auto-select function.
* Edit of Existing Options:
*   Can user edit an option in the list?
*   When you edit while an option is selected, the edits replace the
*   first (editable) item in the list.
* If the user does not have Javascript, this will not work.
* However, they will easily use the Select field with the values in
* the field.
* I have tried very hard to use Javascript that is common to all web
* browsers, so it will function to some degree for everyone.
* I have tested this with:
* Firefox 1.0.7: There is a bug in Firefox. When you set a select
*   box's index, it doesn't always update.  Also, when you cancel the
*   auto-select, it still auto-selects sometimes.
* Konqueror 3.5: This works fine.
* Internet Explorer 6.0: It is functional, but many keys do not work.
*   I have added work-arounds for all letter/number keys.
* Opera: I have tested it in the past and hitting backspace is always
*   treated as clicking the back button.

var textList;    //comma-delimited list of text
var combo_word;	 //The user-editable word
var combo_keypress_called;	// A fix for Konqueror/Safari

// When select is focused, set the editable word.
function combo_focus(element)
    combo_word = "";
    // aatakes is the number of amber alert combo boxes
    var aatakes = document.forms[0].aatakes.value;
    var delimiter = ",";
    textList = document.forms[0].cbTextList.value;
        if (aatakes == 1)
            if(element.selectedIndex >= 0)
		        combo_word = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text;
		        textList = combo_word;
            if(element.selectedIndex >= 0)
                for (var i = 1; i <= aatakes; i++)
                    combo_word = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text;
                    // add combo_word to cbTextList
                    if (textList.search(combo_word) < 0)
                    // add combo_word to list of destinations
                        if (textList.length <= 0)   //more accurate than, textList = ""
                            textList = combo_word;
                            textList = textList + delimiter + combo_word;
	/*combo_word = "";
	if(element.selectedIndex >= 0)
		combo_word = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text;*/
    alert("textList: " + textList);
    document.forms[0].cbTextList.value = textList;
	return true;

// Same function as focus, but here to make the HTML less confusing.
function combo_change(element)
	return combo_focus(element);

// Return false to try and block built-in keydown functions.
function combo_keydown(element, event)
	var c=0;
	if(event.keyCode) c = event.keyCode;
	else if(event.charCode) c = event.charCode;
	else if (event.which) c = event.which;
	// Don't block the tab key
	if(c == 9) return true;

	// We have not called keypress yet.
	combo_keypress_called = false;
	return false;

// The real work.  Update the editable word and the select box.
function combo_keypress(element, event)
	// Do not call this again on keyup.
	combo_keypress_called = true;

	// Get the current key pressed.
	var c=0;
	if(event.keyCode) c = event.keyCode;
	else if(event.charCode) c = event.charCode;
	else if (event.which) c = event.which;
	// Don't block the tab key
	if(c == 9) return true;

	// Konqueror sends all alpha-characters in as upper case.
	// This converts them to lower case if shift is not pressed.
		if(c>=65 && c<=90) c+= 32;
		else if(c == 190) c = 46; // period
		else if(c == 189) c = 45; // minus sign
		else if(c == 187) c = 61; // equal sign
		else if(c == 192) c = 96; // backtick
		else if(c == 222) c = 39; // single quote
		else if(c == 186) c = 59; // ;
	// IE doesn't send the numbers shifted.
		if(c == 48) c = 41;
		else if(c == 49) c = 33;
		else if(c == 50) c = 64;
		else if(c == 51) c = 35;
		else if(c == 52) c = 36;
		else if(c == 53) c = 37;
		else if(c == 54) c = 94;
		else if(c == 55) c = 38;
		else if(c == 56) c = 42;
		else if(c == 57) c = 40;
		else if(c == 187) c = 43; // plus sign
		else if(c == 189) c = 95; // underscore
		else if(c == 192) c = 126; // ~
		else if(c == 222) c = 34; // quotes
		else if(c == 186) c = 58; // :

	// This is used to get char codes that don't show up properly.
	//if(c > 126) alert(c);

	if(c>=32 && c<=126)	// Printable characters
		combo_word += String.fromCharCode(c);
		element.options[2].value = combo_word;
		element.options[2].text = combo_word;
		var combo_wlc = combo_word.toLowerCase();
		var combo_select = 2;
		for(i=1; i<element.options.length; i++)
			combo_sel = element.options[i].text.toLowerCase();
			if(combo_wlc.length <= combo_sel.length)
				combo_sel = combo_sel.substring(0, combo_wlc.length);
				if(combo_wlc == combo_sel)
					combo_select = i;
		element.selectedIndex = combo_select;
	else if((c == 8 || c == 4099) && combo_word.length>0)	// Backspace
		combo_word = combo_word.substring(0, combo_word.length-1);
		element.options[2].value = combo_word;
		element.options[2].text = combo_word;
		element.selectedIndex = 2;

	return false;

// Return false to try and block built-in keyup functions (like auto-select).
function combo_keyup(element, event)
	var c=0;
	if(event.keyCode) c = event.keyCode;
	else if(event.charCode) c = event.charCode;
	else if (event.which) c = event.which;
	// Don't block the tab key
	if(c == 9) return true;

	// If keypress was not called, call it now.
		return combo_keypress(element, event);
	return false;

So, any ideas on how I can fix my code in the combo_focus event to properly create the comma-delimited list?

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