Hi, I'm new on this forum ...
I've got this annoying problem
and I hope someone will have some
clue on how to solve it ...
In a simple Win32 application
(Visual Studio template "simple
Win32 application" I'm using a
function that initializes
everything in my app, including
creating the window.
When I create my Window (using
CreateWindow()), the function
returns a handle which value is
NULL (telling the CreateWindow
function did not manage to create
the window ...) but, if I call
GetLastError it returns me
ERROR_SUCCESS (telling the function
ended successfully ...) so here's
my problem . It seems there's a
paradox somewhere ??? Or did
I miss something ?
I haven't found any information
about this in MSDN.
Grrrrr i hate Windows API ...
Thanks in advance
I've got this annoying problem
and I hope someone will have some
clue on how to solve it ...
In a simple Win32 application
(Visual Studio template "simple
Win32 application" I'm using a
function that initializes
everything in my app, including
creating the window.
When I create my Window (using
CreateWindow()), the function
returns a handle which value is
NULL (telling the CreateWindow
function did not manage to create
the window ...) but, if I call
GetLastError it returns me
ERROR_SUCCESS (telling the function
ended successfully ...) so here's
my problem . It seems there's a
paradox somewhere ??? Or did
I miss something ?
I haven't found any information
about this in MSDN.
Grrrrr i hate Windows API ...
Thanks in advance