I am trying to get plpgsql running on a redhat 7.3 box. I have run the command 'createlang plpgsql dbname' on the server. I know it is there because if I try the command again it gives me this error:
ERROR: functino plpgsql_call_handler already exists with same argument types
createlang: language installation failed.
Yet when I try to create a function with plpgsql I get the following error:
Number: -2147467259
Description: ERROR: Unrecognized language specified in a CREATE FUNCTION: 'plpgsql'.
Any help will be appreciated.
I am trying to get plpgsql running on a redhat 7.3 box. I have run the command 'createlang plpgsql dbname' on the server. I know it is there because if I try the command again it gives me this error:
ERROR: functino plpgsql_call_handler already exists with same argument types
createlang: language installation failed.
Yet when I try to create a function with plpgsql I get the following error:
Number: -2147467259
Description: ERROR: Unrecognized language specified in a CREATE FUNCTION: 'plpgsql'.
Any help will be appreciated.