I'm quite new to vb.net but very experienced with standard asp.
The problem I’m having is being once I’ve created a datagrid I need to be able to format the html depending on the data.
ie: if the column "Activated" = True then the table row bgcolor would be blue
This was very easy to do in asp but from what I’ve read so far it’s quite awkward and clumsy in .net.
The main problem is I can’t seem to create variables from the data so therefore changing the output becomes very difficult. Even writing functions for everything wouldn’t cover every base and would be very time consuming.
What I want to do is something like:
dim strFileName AS String
strFileName = DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "File_Name")
Is it possible to create variables of this type in .net in the same way as asp?
The problem I’m having is being once I’ve created a datagrid I need to be able to format the html depending on the data.
ie: if the column "Activated" = True then the table row bgcolor would be blue
This was very easy to do in asp but from what I’ve read so far it’s quite awkward and clumsy in .net.
The main problem is I can’t seem to create variables from the data so therefore changing the output becomes very difficult. Even writing functions for everything wouldn’t cover every base and would be very time consuming.
What I want to do is something like:
dim strFileName AS String
strFileName = DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "File_Name")
Is it possible to create variables of this type in .net in the same way as asp?