I need to create a shipment, allocate outbound deliveries and pick and post goods issue confirm the deliveries through one incoming IDoc.
I’m using basic type SHPMNT04
I’ve tried message types SHPMNT, SHPCON, SHPADV and SHPPL.
SHPMNT creates the shipment and adds but does not confirm the delivery
The others give me an error “Function module not allowed: IDOC_INPUT_SHPMNT” with parameters IDOC_INPUT_SHPMNT and VTTK.
I’m using process code SHPM.
The IDoc has the correct qualifiers of PIC and PGI in the E1EDL18 segments.
Can you please tell me where I’m going wrong?
I need to create a shipment, allocate outbound deliveries and pick and post goods issue confirm the deliveries through one incoming IDoc.
I’m using basic type SHPMNT04
I’ve tried message types SHPMNT, SHPCON, SHPADV and SHPPL.
SHPMNT creates the shipment and adds but does not confirm the delivery
The others give me an error “Function module not allowed: IDOC_INPUT_SHPMNT” with parameters IDOC_INPUT_SHPMNT and VTTK.
I’m using process code SHPM.
The IDoc has the correct qualifiers of PIC and PGI in the E1EDL18 segments.
Can you please tell me where I’m going wrong?