Each folder in a share is in the following format:
lastname, first name_123456
Where 123456 is a specific case number.
I have a list of cases that I need to move their folders off the current drive they are on and move it too a different shared drive.
I am wondering if there is a way to create a script to move the case folder based on a text file or some other way. For example, if I put all of the cases that I need to move in a text file...
I hope I explained that properly...
Each folder in a share is in the following format:
lastname, first name_123456
Where 123456 is a specific case number.
I have a list of cases that I need to move their folders off the current drive they are on and move it too a different shared drive.
I am wondering if there is a way to create a script to move the case folder based on a text file or some other way. For example, if I put all of the cases that I need to move in a text file...
I hope I explained that properly...