I have 3 fields in one of the tables in my database that looks like:
Table name: Expiration
BeginDate EndDate E-mail
========= ======= =======
20001023 20001024 joe@yahoo.com
20001025 20001027 mike@yahoo.com
20001109 20001116 jmarcus@hotmail.com
........and so on...
Can anyone help me create a query where I can be able to always identify a date 1 week prior to last expired date (EndDate)?
This query will help me send an automatic e-mail that notifies a user that the pswd will expire in one week!
Thank you in advance!
Table name: Expiration
BeginDate EndDate E-mail
========= ======= =======
20001023 20001024 joe@yahoo.com
20001025 20001027 mike@yahoo.com
20001109 20001116 jmarcus@hotmail.com
........and so on...
Can anyone help me create a query where I can be able to always identify a date 1 week prior to last expired date (EndDate)?
This query will help me send an automatic e-mail that notifies a user that the pswd will expire in one week!
Thank you in advance!