I'm probably missing something really simple here. I want to create a new Query and open that in Design mode with a source table/query already chosen, but no fields yet added to the query. The wizards do something similar to this, but I can't figure it out how to create the query without selecting any fields.
Rob Foye
Database Management
Regions Bank
Sub sOpenQryDesign()
Dim stQuery As String
'Replace with msgbox to prompt for name
stQuery = "RF-test"
sCreateNewQuery stQuery
DoCmd.OpenQuery (stQuery), acViewDesign
End Sub
Sub sCreateNewQuery(stQname As String)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Const stSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM qry1;"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef(stQname, stSQL)
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
Rob Foye
Database Management
Regions Bank