Nov 17, 2003 #1 LPlates Programmer Jun 5, 2003 554 AU How do I create a PictureBox using win32API like the ListBox below? list1 = CreateWindow("ListBox",NULL,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | LBS_NOTIFY,5,130,140,100,hwnd,(HMENU)ID_LIST1,g_hInst,0); HWND pHwnd; pHwnd = createwindow?
How do I create a PictureBox using win32API like the ListBox below? list1 = CreateWindow("ListBox",NULL,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | LBS_NOTIFY,5,130,140,100,hwnd,(HMENU)ID_LIST1,g_hInst,0); HWND pHwnd; pHwnd = createwindow?