Technical User
Have a field called @date which almost works.....
However it creates all the dates in one string field - is it possible to get the field to create a new record for each nextvalue?
dim thisdate as datetime
dim nextdate as datetime
dim output as string
thisdate = {@DateTimetoDate}+1
nextdate = nextvalue ({@DateTimetoDate})
do while thisdate < {?End date}
output = output + totext(thisdate, "dd/MM/yyyy"
+ chr(10)
thisdate = thisdate + 1
formula = output
However it creates all the dates in one string field - is it possible to get the field to create a new record for each nextvalue?
dim thisdate as datetime
dim nextdate as datetime
dim output as string
thisdate = {@DateTimetoDate}+1
nextdate = nextvalue ({@DateTimetoDate})
do while thisdate < {?End date}
output = output + totext(thisdate, "dd/MM/yyyy"
thisdate = thisdate + 1
formula = output