Apologies if this is a basic question, I am new to Solaris and I have inherited a system.
I have inherited a user creation script but it requires the password to be set on the account to be typed in manually. Is there any way of automating the password part? The script is as follows:
Is there a way of setting the password as part of the useradd process without calling passwd? Or is there a way of forcing a password string into passwd?
Thanks in advance
"Insert funny comment in here!"
Apologies if this is a basic question, I am new to Solaris and I have inherited a system.
I have inherited a user creation script but it requires the password to be set on the account to be typed in manually. Is there any way of automating the password part? The script is as follows:
useradd -c 'Fred Bloggs' -d '/export/home/bloggsf' -g staff -G root -m -k /etc/skel -s /sbin/sh bloggsf ; passwd bloggs
Is there a way of setting the password as part of the useradd process without calling passwd? Or is there a way of forcing a password string into passwd?
Thanks in advance
"Insert funny comment in here!"