Hello to all -
I have a sales report that uses a strFilter (SalesRep ID) to produce individual reports in PDF. I need to change this to produce RTF reports and save the file using the strFilter as part of the name. My problem is, the openReport does not allow to save as file and the OutputTo does not allow Filters. How do I go about this?
Any and all suggestions appreciated!!!!!
Here's the current code:
I have a sales report that uses a strFilter (SalesRep ID) to produce individual reports in PDF. I need to change this to produce RTF reports and save the file using the strFilter as part of the name. My problem is, the openReport does not allow to save as file and the OutputTo does not allow Filters. How do I go about this?
Any and all suggestions appreciated!!!!!
Here's the current code:
Private Sub cmdCreateBHPDFs_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdCreateBHPDFs_Click
' Create Variables for Subroutine
Dim strDocName As String 'Report Name
Dim db As Database 'Database to retrieve data from
Dim strSql As String 'SQL Statement
Dim rst As Recordset 'Data Recordset
Dim strFilter As String 'Report Filter
' Set Values for Variables
strDocName = "ReportBHRepTotDetailPDF"
Set db = CurrentDb
' Open recordset containing list of Sales Reps
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSql)
' Test recordset and act accordingly
If Not rst.EOF Then
' A list of Sales Reps Exists, print the reports
'Advance through the Sales Rep list, one at a time
'Go to first record of recordset
'Setup loop to loop through Sales Rep List
Do Until rst.EOF
'Set the report filter property to the SaleRep in the recordset, zero base array
strFilter = "SALESREP_ID = '" & rst(0) & "'"
'Print the report using the report name and filter variables
DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, , , strFilter
'Move to next Sales Rep
'Loop back to top of Do Until
' No Sales Reps Exist, inform the user and exit subroutine
MsgBox "No Sales Data for selected Rep", vbOKOnly, "No Reps"
Exit Sub
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdCreateBHPDFs_Click
End Sub